Wednesday 19 December 2018

Opening the door to change: NHS safety culture and the need for transformation

Opening the door to change: NHS safety culture and the need for transformation This report looks at NHS safety culture and the need for transformation.

Never Events continue to happen despite the hard work and efforts of frontline staff.

Staff are struggling to cope with large volumes of safety guidance, they have little time and space to implement guidance effectively, and the systems and processes around them are not always supportive.

Where staff are trying to implement guidance, they are often doing this on top of a demanding and busy role that makes it difficult to give the work the time it requires.

In terms of the wider system, we have found that the different parts at national, regional and local level do not always work together in the most supportive way. There is a lot of confusion about the roles of different bodies and where trusts can go to get the most appropriate support. Care Quality Commission

See also:

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