Thursday, 21 June 2018

Gosport War Memorial Hospital: the report of the Gosport Independent Panel

Gosport War Memorial Hospital: the report of the Gosport Independent Panel The Gosport Independent Panel was set up to address concerns raised by families over a number of years about the initial care of their relatives in Gosport War Memorial Hospital and the subsequent investigations into their deaths. This report is an in-depth analysis of the Panel’s findings. It explains how the information reviewed by the Panel informed those findings and illustrates how the disclosed documents add to public understanding of events at the hospital and their aftermath. King's Fund - Health Management and Policy Alert
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Allied Health Professions hold key role in future NHS

Allied Health Professions hold key role in future NHS The Allied Health Professions (AHPs) have a significant role to play in the future delivery of integrated urgent care within the NHS. And the quality of leadership of the AHPs will be vital in determining their impact and the quality of care that patients receive. These are two of the key findings of a study ‘Leadership of Allied Health Professions in Trusts: what exists and what matters’ commissioned by NHS Improvement and compiled by Kingston University. NHS England
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Cases of cancer in elderly to surge by 2035, report says

Cases of cancer in elderly to surge by 2035, report says Cancer Research UK estimates that by 2035 about 234,000 over-75s will get cancer each year - up from 130,000 now. The charity also said the elderly were more likely to have multiple health conditions, leading to later diagnoses. It called on the health service to prepare now for the rise in older patients with "complex needs". The government said cancer was a "priority" and the prime minister had just announced increased funding for the NHS. BBC News - Health

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Sex, drugs and A&E: 10 charts on how the under-30s use the NHS

Sex, drugs and A&E: 10 charts on how the under-30s use the NHS Debates about the NHS often focus on the pressures of an ageing population, but how do younger patients use the service? BBC News

NHS at 70: How Moorfields Eye Hospital changed the world

NHS at 70: How Moorfields Eye Hospital changed the world In seven decades as an NHS institution, Moorfields Eye Hospital has been at the forefront of pioneering treatments. Today, cutting-edge research continues, new cures for blindness are discovered and hope is given to patients nationwide. BBC News

Enhancing Junior Doctor Working Lives progress report

Enhancing Junior Doctor Working Lives progress report Health Education England (HEE) has published the 2018 Enhancing Junior Doctor Working Lives progress report. This latest report provides an update on the work that HEE has completed with partners, including the British Medical Association (BMA), medical royal colleges and the General Medical Council, over the past year in response to the concerns doctors in training have raised and to help boost morale. NHS Employers

Guidance: Bowel cancer screening: bowel scope standard operating procedures

Guidance: Bowel cancer screening: bowel scope standard operating procedures These standard operating procedures (SOPs) help commissioners and providers in establishing and implementing bowel scope screening. Public Health England (Gov.UK)

News story: Cancer patients at increased risk of suicide

News story: Cancer patients at increased risk of suicide Cancer patients in England are at increased risk of suicide compared to the general population, according to new figures from Public Health England (PHE).The first national study of its kind in England reveals cancer patients have a 20% increased risk of suicide, with the highest risk seen within the first 6 months of diagnosis. Public Health England (Gov.UK)