Tuesday, 3 June 2014

What gets measured gets done. Or does it?

What gets measured gets done. Or does it? What gets measured gets done' – a well-established mantra, and with good reason. But Penny Pereira isn't entirely comfortable with the implication that results always neatly follow from applying focus and pressure to priority problems. The Health Foundation

Fairness and the GMC

Fairness and the GMC The GMC has published an independent study which shows how doctors from a range of backgrounds view the GMC and its work. The study, undertaken by NatCen Social Research, interviewed doctors in focus groups and surveyed a random sample of doctors. NHS Employers

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Elderly care overhaul at risk over short-term funding deal, council chiefs warn

Elderly care overhaul at risk over short-term funding deal, council chiefs warn Care crisis could spiral out of control without new five-year multi-billion pound cash pot, says LGA. The Daily Telegraph

The 'Saatchi Bill': can a PR guru cure cancer?

The 'Saatchi Bill': can a PR guru cure cancer? Lord Saatchi's medican innovations Bill won't encourage good research - and, in its original form, could have opened the door for dangerous quackery, writes Nick Ross. The Daily Telegraph

Hospitals’ financial forecasts ‘are too optimistic’

Hospitals’ financial forecasts ‘are too optimistic’ Hospitals across the country have been advised to go back to the drawing board and reassess their financial plans for next year amid fears that their current forecasts are unrealistically rosy. The Independent

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Exclusive: Private contractor Healthcare at Home blamed for NHS drug delays

Exclusive: Private contractor Healthcare at Home blamed for NHS drug delays Thousands of patients, some seriously ill, are facing “disgraceful” and “unsafe” delays in receiving prescription medication because of failures at a company contracted to deliver it by the NHS. The Independent

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