Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Hospital staff praised for withstanding £19.1m budget cuts - Northampton Chronicle & Echo

Hospital staff praised for withstanding £19.1m budget cuts - Northampton Chronicle & Echo:

Northampton Chronicle & Echo
Hospital staff praised for withstanding £19.1m budget cuts
Northampton Chronicle & Echo
Staff at Northampton General Hospital have received high praise for managing to withstand £19.1million of budget cuts in the past year, with demand for similar savings next year. The hospital's chief executive Dr Gerry McSorley and chairman Paul ...

Plans for acute doctors on CCGs are unworkable

Plans for acute doctors on CCGs are unworkable:
BMA warns CCG membership rules must be changed OnMedica

GPs tell researchers austerity is hitting health of their patients

GPs tell researchers austerity is hitting health of their patients:
The survey report highlights the impact of the recession on family planning, alcohol abuse, wellbeing and mental health. It also reports on the impact on GPs themselves. NHS Networks

Smoking-related hospital admissions top 1250 a day, new figures show

Smoking-related hospital admissions top 1250 a day, new figures show:
This is the equivalent of 1,260 admissions a day; representing one in 20 of all admissions to hospital in 2010/11.

Statistics on Smoking: England 2012 presents a broad range of information on health issues related to smoking and includes new statistics from the Health and Social Care Information Centre’s Hospital Episodes Statistics. NHS Networks

End of life care toolkit launched

End of life care toolkit launched:
What about end of life care? is a practical toolkit designed to help the public and professionals understand the new health and care structures and develop the relationships required to secure high quality end of life care. It includes a series of action sheets aimed at decision-makers such as clinical commissioning groups and other stakeholders such as local HealthWatch bodies and individual end of life care champions. Action sheets for other key players, including health and wellbeing boards and education and training providers, will be released later this year. NHS Networks

Echinacea warning for children

Echinacea warning for children: The herbal remedy echinacea should not be given to children under 12, the drugs watchdog has warned parents. BBC News

Over-65s with cancer 'set to triple by 2040'

Over-65s with cancer 'set to triple by 2040':

The Daily Mail reports that one in four over-65s 'will have had cancer by 2040'.
The news is based on a study that estimated the number of people expected to be living with cancer in the UK by the year 2040.

Winterbourne View: The problem with all care homes - Telegraph.co.uk

Winterbourne View: The problem with all care homes - Telegraph.co.uk:

Winterbourne View: The problem with all care homes
While some were able to live independently with NHS mental health service input, some were too disabled and required 24-hour care. These people fell awkwardly between the criteria for NHS care and for personal care, and ultimately their welfare was ...

Runnings profit NHS hospitals abroad 'will help the economy'

Runnings profit NHS hospitals abroad 'will help the economy': The NHS can help rescue the UK economy by setting up profit-making hospitals abroad, medical chiefs said today.The Daily Telegraph

Cancer pensioner number 'to treble'

Cancer pensioner number 'to treble':
The number of pensioners with cancer will treble by 2040, researchers suggest. The Independent

Global network of NHS hospitals to exploit brand

Global network of NHS hospitals to exploit brand:
Some of Britain's best-known hospitals are being lined up by the Government to export the "NHS brand" around the world and set up profit-making branches overseas to boost their incomes. The Independent