Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Northamptonshire health chief's fresh lockdown plea after record rise in Covid-19 cases

Northamptonshire health chief's fresh lockdown plea after record rise in Covid-19 cases Health chiefs issued a fresh plea to make the lockdown count after Northamptonshire saw another record number of positive Covid-19 tests.

Labs confirmed more than 100 positive swabs in a single day in Northampton for the first time since the pandemic began. Northampton Chronicle and Echo

See also:

Climate change and sustainability: the health service and net zero

Climate change and sustainability: the health service and net zero This report states that with the NHS contributing up to five per cent of the UK’s total carbon emissions, increased sustainability and changes to working practices are vital if the health of future generations is to be protected. The health service has a responsibility to its patients to reduce its own carbon footprint and to strive for net zero emissions, if it is to take a leading role in combatting the harmful effects of climate change. British Medical Association

    Covid-19 insights: impact on staff and priorities for recovery

    Covid-19 insights: impact on staff and priorities for recovery This report reveals the extensive mental and physical health impact on the NHS, health and care professionals across the UK, as a result of working and living through Covid-19, and identifies organisational priorities for recovery, both as the country enters the next phase of the pandemic and for the longer-term. Skills for Health 

      Guidance on workload prioritisation during Covid-19 pandemic level rising

      Guidance on workload prioritisation during Covid-19 pandemic level rising This guidance reflects the increasing prevalence of Covid-19 around the country, to support GPs and their teams in making local decisions based on local circumstances. Royal College of General Practitioners 

        COVID-19 report reveals massive hit to the North’s health and economy

        COVID-19 report reveals massive hit to the North’s health and economy The North of England’s economy has been hit harder than the rest of the country during the COVID-19 pandemic with inequalities between the North and the rest of the country exacerbated, according to a report launched today. 

        The Northern Health Science Alliance, NIHR Applied Research Collaborations (North East and North Cumbria, Greater Manchester, North West Coast, Yorkshire and Humber), and the NIHR School of Public Health Research report COVID-19 and the Northern Powerhouse: Tackling Health Inequalities for UK Health and Productivity looks at the impact of COVID-19 on the health and economic inequalities between the Northern Powerhouse and the rest of England.

        It has found the pandemic hit the North harder and more deeply and that mitigating measures must be put in place to stop inequalities rising further and faster.

        See also:

        Research and analysis: Antibiotic use and resistance: what the public know

        Research and analysis: Antibiotic use and resistance: what the public know This report presents the findings of the most recent (2017) national household survey of current public knowledge about anti-microbial resistance (AMR) and of people’s antibiotic use. Public Health England

        Guidance: Health matters: cold weather and COVID-19

        Guidance: Health matters: cold weather and COVID-19 This is the first winter with coronavirus (COVID-19) circulating, and it is critical that plans are in place to address the risks that may arise from the concurrence of cold weather and COVID-19. Health Matters focusses on the impact of cold weather on health, how COVID-19 amplifies cold-related risks, and actions that can be taken to prevent harm, particularly to those most vulnerable. Public Health England

        See also:

        Matt Hancock on Covid 19 vaccine trials and roll out

        Matt Hancock on Covid 19 vaccine trials and roll out The UK does not have a Covid vaccine yet, but is “one step closer” the health secretary has said.

        Matt Hancock was speaking after it was announced on Monday that the world's first effective coronavirus vaccine had shown positive results in preliminary tests on 43,500 people.

        He said if it was approved, the NHS had been told to be ready from 1 December to “inject hope into millions of arms this winter”. BBC News

        See also:

        Mobile robo-surgeons could widen access to keyhole surgery

        Mobile robo-surgeons could widen access to keyhole surgery Keyhole surgery can allow complicated procedures to be carried out with just a few access cuts, helping to reduce patient recovery times and potential risk of infection.

        But the remote controlled robots that can perform this type of surgery are often very large, expensive and not widely available.

        Now a new robo-surgeon with a modular design could be about to change that. BBC News

        UK to ban all online junk food advertising to tackle obesity

        UK to ban all online junk food advertising to tackle obesity ‘World-leading’ proposal delights health campaigners and dismays advertising industry

        Downing Street has unveiled plans to implement a total ban on online junk food advertising – the toughest digital marketing restrictions in the world – in an attempt to tackle the growing obesity crisis.

        While health campaigners have welcomed the proposed ban, which is now subject to a six-week consultation, it has stunned the advertising industry, which has called it indiscriminate and draconian. The Guardian

        See also:

        Nurse re-arrested in connection with murder of eight babies and attempted murder of six others

        Nurse re-arrested in connection with murder of eight babies and attempted murder of six others A healthcare professional has been re-arrested on suspicion of murder and attempted murder as part of an investigation into deaths of babies at a neonatal unit.

        The woman, arrested on Tuesday, is understood to be nurse Lucy Letby, who was previously arrested in 2018 and 2019. The Daily Telegraph