Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Homeless Health Network National Survey 2014

Homeless Health Network National Survey 2014 This summary includes a brief breakdown of some of the key findings from analysis with specific reference to:

  • Healthcare access issues
  • Improving hospital discharge for homeless patients 
  • Where further learning could improve prevention, screening, treating and managing conditions
  • Self-evaluating performance of health services across 5 criteria, as a means of benchmarking
The Queen's Nursing Institute

Industrial action update - SITREP reporting arrangements

Industrial action update - SITREP reporting arrangements We have been informed by NHS England that they will be planning to ask NHS organisations to complete a situation report when industrial action takes place on 13 October. NHS Employers

Spain investigates Ebola infection

Spain investigates Ebola infection Investigations begin at a Madrid hospital where a Spanish nurse is the first person known to have contracted the Ebola virus outside west Africa. BBC News

See also:

New national pregnancy in diabetes audit reveals deficiencies in basic preparation and care

New national pregnancy in diabetes audit reveals deficiencies in basic preparation and care The National Pregnancy in Diabetes (NPID) Audit Report 2013 released today has identified that there are improvements needed in pregnancy preparation, care and outcomes for women with diabetes. Health and Social Care Information Centre

Mental wellbeing of older people in care homes

Mental wellbeing of older people in care homes This resource is for managers of care homes for older people, including residential and nursing accommodation, day care and respite care. It aims to help managers implement NICE's quality standard defining best practice in mental wellbeing of older people in care homes. It highlights key messages for care providers for each of the 6 quality statements that make up the standard. The messages relate to high-priority areas where improvements are needed. NICE

Transforming care at the end-of-life: dying well matters

Transforming care at the end-of-life: dying well matters This report finds that at least £4.5 billion is spent each year in England caring for those at the end of their lives. Analysis of national reviews and audits over the past 18 months highlights shortcomings and concerns about the large degree of variation in services across the country. Deloitte

Experts predict huge need for more hospital beds

Experts predict huge need for more hospital beds 17,000 more hospital beds needed by 2022. OnMedica

See also:

Political attitudes to mental health are harming patients and staff

Political attitudes to mental health are harming patients and staff Targets and unrealistic expectations exacerbate stress and increase gap between government, patients and services

We have become ever more used to hearing reports of a failing NHS in recent years. The NHS is becoming ever more politicised, and with it there are unseen and often unpredicted consequences for patients.

While this makes providing compassionate and appropriate care more difficult across the health service, it is having a disproportionate effect upon care in mental health services in particular. Continue reading... The Guardian

NHS funding crisis: Warning of £75-a-night charge for a hospital bed

NHS funding crisis: Warning of £75-a-night charge for a hospital bed The NHS may have to start charging patients for the “hotel costs” of their hospital stay if the health service’s looming financial crisis is not addressed, senior health service managers have warned. The Independent

See also: