Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Life-saving stroke team at Northampton General Hospital ‘among best in England’

Life-saving stroke team at Northampton General Hospital ‘among best in England’ Quick care for patients has led to Northampton General Hospital stroke centre being rated among the best in the country in a new report. Northampton Chronicle and Echo

See also:

Cancer patient in Northampton launches campaign after funding is cut for drug to treat rare condition

Cancer patient in Northampton launches campaign after funding is cut for drug to treat rare condition A cancer patient in Northampton is campaigning against moves to withdraw funding from a drug that could treat his condition. Northampton Chronicle and Echo

Woman bailed over 'FGM conspiracy'

Woman bailed over 'FGM conspiracy' A woman arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit female genital mutilation (FGM) is released on police bail. BBC Northamptonshire

Northampton General Hospital chiefs spend £1.5 million on hiring agency nurses in just three months

Northampton General Hospital chiefs spend £1.5 million on hiring agency nurses in just three months Almost £2 million of taxpayers money has been spent in just three months by Northampton General Hospital chiefs on hiring agency nursing staff to care for patients. Northants Herald and Post

What does it really take to improve patient safety?

What does it really take to improve patient safety? Setting ambitious goals for patient safety without investing in developing systems that are capable of reliably delivering care is like asking drivers to drive vehicles more safely without investing in traffic lights, road signs or well-designed road layouts, says Penny Pereira. The Health Foundation

Guidance: Ebola: public health recommendations for asymptomatic contacts

Guidance: Ebola: public health recommendations for asymptomatic contacts This guidance provides public health recommendations for asymptomatic contacts of an Ebola case in the UK. Public Health England

Warning over new drug-driving law

Warning over new drug-driving law People who have been prescribed powerful anxiety or pain relief drugs are being warned about a new drug-driving law. BBC News

Fiddling figures a jail crime from April

Fiddling figures a jail crime from April NHS directors and senior staff who publish false or misleading information could face a two-year jail sentence as part of a crackdown on cover-ups in the NHS. E-Health Insider

SCR reaches 50m patients

SCR reaches 50m patients The NHS Summary Care Record has reached the 50 million patient mark, with more than 30,000 record views now occurring each week. E-Health Insider

See also:

Five million items of feedback for Friends and Family Test

Five million items of feedback for Friends and Family Test NHS now has largest database of patient opinion in the world. OnMedica

NHS sets aside quarter of its budget for medical negligence claims

NHS sets aside quarter of its budget for medical negligence claims The health service has set aside £26bn to cover medical negligence claims against NHS hospitals, it has emerged. The Daily Telegraph

Doctors' inquiry dismisses 'unreliable' claims over NHS death rates

Doctors' inquiry dismisses 'unreliable' claims over NHS death rates New report has rejected the controversial accusations, made in 2013, that death rates in patients receiving NHS care are 45% higher than in US hospitals.

An inquiry by leading doctors has rejected the controversial claims that death rates in NHS hospitals are far higher than those in the United States.

A report by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has dismissed high-profile claims, made in 2013 by Prof Brian Jarman, that 45% more patients die in England because of weaknesses in NHS care, including poorer out-of-hours GP services, long waiting lists and bed shortages. Continue reading... The Guardian

'Ludicrous' spending on NHS overseas trips revealed

'Ludicrous' spending on NHS overseas trips revealed An investigation reveals soaring numbers of NHS trips abroad in search of foreign nurses - but one in four of staff hired is gone within a year, The Daily Telegraph

See also: