CQC State of Care report 2011-12:
Pressures on health and care services are increasing the risks of poor care
according to the latest report from the CQC which brings together the findings
from over 13,000 inspections to give a comprehensive report on the shape of
health and social care in England.
The report highlights that issues around staffing and ensuring they have the right skills to care for people with complex conditions are beginning to affect the quality of care that services deliver. This is especially having an impact on respecting people who use services and nutrition.The report notes many examples of organisations that meet these challenges and deliver an excellent quality of care, but our inspectors have seen examples of services that have not been able to cope with these changes. Many displayed common factors including an attitude to care that is based on getting tasks done and where unacceptable care has become the norm.
The report highlights that issues around staffing and ensuring they have the right skills to care for people with complex conditions are beginning to affect the quality of care that services deliver. This is especially having an impact on respecting people who use services and nutrition.The report notes many examples of organisations that meet these challenges and deliver an excellent quality of care, but our inspectors have seen examples of services that have not been able to cope with these changes. Many displayed common factors including an attitude to care that is based on getting tasks done and where unacceptable care has become the norm.
Key findings show:
- 1 in 10 NHS hospitals failed to treat people with the respect they deserve and failed to involve them in decisions about their care.
- 15 per cent of social care services were not providing care that respected people.
- 23 per cent did not have adequate staffing levels.