Friday, 23 November 2012

CQC State of Care report 2011-12

CQC State of Care report 2011-12: Pressures on health and care services are increasing the risks of poor care according to the latest report from the CQC which brings together the findings from over 13,000 inspections to give a comprehensive report on the shape of health and social care in England.
The report highlights that issues around staffing and ensuring they have the right skills to care for people with complex conditions are beginning to affect the quality of care that services deliver. This is especially having an impact on respecting people who use services and nutrition.The report notes many examples of organisations that meet these challenges and deliver an excellent quality of care, but our inspectors have seen examples of services that have not been able to cope with these changes. Many displayed common factors including an attitude to care that is based on getting tasks done and where unacceptable care has become the norm.

Key findings show:
  • 1 in 10 NHS hospitals failed to treat people with the respect they deserve and failed to involve them in decisions about their care.
  • 15 per cent of social care services were not providing care that respected people.
  • 23 per cent did not have adequate staffing levels.

Stories from the present, lessons for the future

Stories from the present, lessons for the future: This report catalogues 13 accounts from patients or relatives who
have experienced poor care in hospitals and care homes around the country. It highlights shortcomings in quality in NHS care and the need for change in Westminster and the NHS.

Thousands of hospitals, care homes and clinics fail quality test says Care Quality Commission

Thousands of hospitals, care homes and clinics fail quality test says Care Quality Commission:
Thousands of hospitals, care homes and clinics across England are failing to meet at least one essential safety or quality standard amid serious concerns about future risks to patients as services struggle to cope with less money and rising demands, a comprehensive report reveals today. The Independent

See also:

CCGs should only make evidence-based cuts, says NHS official

CCGs should only make evidence-based cuts, says NHS official: Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) that cut local services will be backed by NHS leaders if their decisions are based on evidence, according to an NHS Commissioning Board (NHSCB) official. GP Online

GPs are 'overstretched', health secretary admits

GPs are 'overstretched', health secretary admits: Health secretary Jeremy Hunt has admitted that GPs are overstretched, but said clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) can ease the strain by restructuring services and putting pressure on underperforming practices. GP Online

NHS Outcomes Framework 2013/14 mind map

NHS Outcomes Framework 2013/14 mind map: This mind map brings together on one page all the indicators for each of the five domains in the NHS Outcomes Framework 2013/14. It has been developed to help members gain an overview and understanding of the framework as a whole. NHS Confederation

Measuring National Well-being: first annual report from the Office for National Statistics

Measuring National Well-being: first annual report from the Office for National Statistics: The Measuring National Well-being programme was set up in 2010 with a focused aim, to ‘develop and publish an accepted and trusted set of National Statistics which help people understand and monitor well-being’. The idea here is that we need to add meaningful economic, social and environmental measures to sit alongside the traditional Gross Domestic [read the full story...] The Mental Elf

Improving health and care: the role of the outcomes frameworks

Improving health and care: the role of the outcomes frameworks: This document sets out how the three outcomes frameworks (adult social care, the NHS and public health) work together to achieve the desired outcomes for the health and care system.

NHS chief executives 'lack support'

NHS chief executives 'lack support':
A survey of NHS chief executives has found that many are unhappy with the system they work in.
Research carried out by HSJ has shown they feel hampered by a lack of support in a system a majority believe is geared towards short-term solutions.
Many have also experienced bullying.
The journal surveyed 81 chief executives in acute, mental health and community trusts and found many felt unable to... Healthcare Today

MPs to examine sharing of clinical trial data

MPs to examine sharing of clinical trial data: MPs will consider whether private drug companies should be forced to share data from their clinical trials within the next year, the chairman of the health select committee has pledged. The Daily Telegraph