Thursday, 12 February 2015

New discharge suite opens to improve patient flow

New discharge suite opens to improve patient flow

A new discharge suite has opened at Northampton General Hospital this week to help free up beds on wards. 
NGH News

Cardiac rehab services return to Daventry and South Northants

Cardiac rehab services return to Daventry and South Northants

Cardiac patients living in Daventry and South Northamptonshire are set to benefit from rehabilitation services closer to home. From Thursday, cardiac rehabilitation services including education and exercise programmes will be delivered from Danetre Hospital. 
NGH News

NHS whistleblowers report: reactions from the healthcare sector

NHS whistleblowers report: reactions from the healthcare sector

Sir Robert Francis’s inquiry into the treatment of NHS whistleblowers has prompted strong reactions from the government and sector professionals 

Guidance: Culture change in the NHS

Guidance: Culture change in the NHS

This report shows that a great deal has been achieved since Sir Robert Francis’s public inquiry into Mid Staffs, and that the improvements made since must be sustained and embedded for the future and applied equally and rigorously across all sectors of the health and care system.

Each chapter sets out the main areas where further action is needed to ensure that safe, effective and compassionate care is the norm.

The supporting annex sets out in detail the substantial progress made against the 290 recommendations of the Francis report.

Open consultation: Updating the NHS Constitution

Open consultation: Updating the NHS Constitution

The NHS Constitution sets out:
rights to which patients, public and staff are entitled
responsibilities owed to each other to ensure the NHS operates fairly and effectively.

This consultation proposes to amend the NHS Constitution to respond to recommendations made by Sir Robert Francis QC and to:
give greater prominence to mental health
reflect the importance of access to transparent and comparable data
include the Armed Forces Covenant
reflect the new fundamental standards in April 2015
Department of Health

How the role of clinical research nurses in the NHS has changed

How the role of clinical research nurses in the NHS has changed

The last 10 to 15 years have seen a significant shift in clinical research in the health service – it is now a mainstream activity with a large workforce
How is the role of nursing changing? Live discussion

When people imagine nurses, it could be Florence Nightingale or Mary Seacole, or the nurses working in GP surgeries or on busy hospital wards. They are less likely to think about the growing body of NHS nurses who specialise in clinical research to develop next generation treatments.

Dr Susan Hamer, workforce development director at the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network, says that the last 10-15 years have seen a significant shift in clinical research in the NHS. Instead of “being a bit of a hobby”, it is now a mainstream activity with a large workforce of the NIHR Clinical Research Network sponsored clinical research nurses (CRNs) – about 4,000-strong - who support, manage and lead trials. 

There's 'no point' telling obese people to exercise more, doctors claim

There's 'no point' telling obese people to exercise more, doctors claim

Expecting all obese people to lose weight solely by “eating less and moving more” misunderstands the nature of the condition and will never solve the obesity epidemic, leading doctors have said. 

Obesity adviser rejects conflict of interest claim

Obesity adviser rejects conflict of interest claim

Researchers defend Prof Susan Jebb after journal says food companies funded 10 projects in which she was involved

The government’s leading obesity adviser has strongly denied suggestions from a medical journal that her independence has been compromised by taking funding from the sugar and other food industries for research projects.

The British Medical Journal says many public health scientists have links to the sugar industry, including Prof Susan Jebb, chair of the government’s Responsibility Deal food network. 

Sign up for NHS Change Day 2015!

Sign up for NHS Change Day 2015!

The countdown has begun to NHS Change Day 2015 on March 11.

Chief Executive Simon Stevens made this year’s first pledge telling staff who gathered at Skipton House in London he would: “Help drive through change for people with learning disabilities”.

He added: “I fully support this campaign which is a remarkable social movement for change.”

It is hoped that Change Day 2015 can surpass both the 189,000 pledges of action made in 2013 and the phenomenal 500,000 made by individuals, teams and whole organisations last year.

Advice on secret care home filming

Advice on secret care home filming

Guidance is being issued about the use of hidden cameras to monitor the care of people in hospital and care homes in England. BBC News

The false or misleading information offence: guidance for providers

The false or misleading information offence: guidance for providers

The Care Act 2014 has put in place a new criminal offence applicable to care providers who supply, publish or otherwise make available certain types of information that is false or misleading, where that information is required to comply with a statutory or other legal obligation. The offence also applies to the ‘controlling minds’ of the organisation, where they have consented or connived in an offence committed by a care provider. This guidance sets out the context for the offence and explains how the offence is applied.
Department of Health
Department of Health - publications

News story: Smoking in cars set to become illegal

News story: Smoking in cars set to become illegal

The new rules will come into force on 1 October 2015 and people failing to comply could face a £50 fixed penalty notice. Department of Health

Press release: Secondhand smoke campaign launch coincides with vote ending smoking in cars with children

Press release: Secondhand smoke campaign launch coincides with vote ending smoking in cars with children

Public Health England today (11 February 2015) launches its campaign to highlight the hidden dangers that secondhand smoke in homes and cars can cause to children’s health, coinciding with the passing by Parliament of regulations to end smoking in cars carrying children in England.

Secondhand smoke is particularly harmful to children as they breathe more rapidly and have less developed airways. Children being exposed to secondhand smoke results in more than 300,000 GP consultations and 9,500 hospital admissions every year.

The government estimates that 3 million children in England are exposed to secondhand smoke in their family car, which puts them at risk of serious conditions, including respiratory infections and meningitis and triggering asthma. A survey by the British Lung Foundation found that 86% of children who are exposed to smoking in cars would like the smoker to stop, yet only 31% actually feel able to ask them to do so.

Launch of flexible retirement hub tools and resources

Launch of flexible retirement hub tools and resources

Our newly launched flexible retirement hub contains a range of tools and resources to support your organisation to make the most of flexible retirement options at a local level. NHS Employers