Friday, 24 May 2013

Inquiry call over NHS 111 'debacle'

Inquiry call over NHS 111 'debacle': An independent inquiry is needed into the NHS non-emergency 111 phone line "debacle" in England, GPs say. BBC News

See also:

Is the NHS going to blow a gasket?

Is the NHS going to blow a gasket?: But is the NHS going to blow a gasket? BBC News

WHO urges sharing over coronavirus

WHO urges sharing over coronavirus: The WHO urges countries with possible cases of novel coronavirus to share information amid concern over patent rights held by commercial labs. BBC News

Section 251ed

Section 251ed: NHS England's director of data and information management, Ming Tang, likens the commissioning board's efforts to sort through the information governance facing the new NHS to "working through treacle." E-Health Insider

Money allocated to general practice will fall by 2016

Transforming care: a national response to Winterbourne View hospital

Transforming care: a national response to Winterbourne View hospital: This final report into the events at Winterbourne View hospital sets out a programme of action to transform services so that vulnerable people no longer live inappropriately in hospitals and are cared for in line with best practice. The actions highlighted include: strengthening accountability of boards of directors and senior managers for safety and quality of care; transferring patients to community-based support where appropriate; and the establishment of a new NHS and local government-led joint improvement team.

Moving care to the community: an international perspective

Moving care to the community: an international perspective: Moving care out of hospitals and into the community has been a UK wide priority for over a decade; however despite the government’s commitment to invest in the community, there is a mismatch between reality and rhetoric. This report sets out the current policies and initiative in the above-mentioned countries to move care closer to home; outlines the impact of these reforms on the nursing workforce; and offers recommendations for key stakeholders in the UK.

Clinical engagement in high-value commissioning: elective surgical procedures

Clinical engagement in high-value commissioning: elective surgical procedures: This casebook describes work led by NHS Right Care on the development of guidance for the commissioning of elective surgical procedures. In
addition to this, two web-based tools have been developed to support and inform the commissioning process.

Research could lead to 'universal' flu vaccine

Research could lead to 'universal' flu vaccine: “Scientists create new flu vaccine that works against many different strains of the virus,” The Independent reports.
This headline, and several others like it, is based on early stage research into the development of alternative flu vaccine technologies. While the results of this research are promising, they do not mean that a universal flu jab has been developed.

Crisis-hit elderly care 'needs money now'

Crisis-hit elderly care 'needs money now': The Coalition will perpetrate a "cruel deception" on elderly people if ministers fail to provide more funding for long-term care to back up their promise to limit costs, the architect of the reforms has warned. The Daily Telegraph

GP leaders clash with Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, over A&E crisis

GP leaders clash with Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, over A&E crisis: GPs’ leaders have clashed with the Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, in their increasingly acrimonious row over who is responsible for the crisis in Accident & Emergency departments. The Independent

See also: