Wednesday, 25 November 2020

NHS confirms four more coronavirus deaths at Northampton General Hospital

NHS confirms four more coronavirus deaths at Northampton General Hospital Four more coronavirus deaths have today been confirmed at Northampton General Hospital.

NHS England included the information in Tuesday's daily bulletin that two patients died on Sunday (November 22), another on Saturday and one more on Wednesday last week. Northampton Chronicle and Echo

See also:

Kettering General Hospital 'needs £1.1bn to realise rebuild plans'

Kettering General Hospital 'needs £1.1bn to realise rebuild plans' An NHS hospital says it needs at least another £765m in government funding if its rebuild plans are to be fully realised.

Kettering General Hospital said £46m has been committed for an urgent care hub to replace its A&E department, as well as £350m for other improvements.

Hospital bosses says the funds fall "significantly short" of the £1.1bn cost of a fully new hospital. BBC Northampton

See also:

NHS dental surgery fees in Northamptonshire jump by nearly £50 on average in space of five years

NHS dental surgery fees in Northamptonshire jump by nearly £50 on average in space of five years An investigation has revealed the cost of dental surgery under the NHS in Northamptonshire has jumped nearly 15 per cent in five years.

It comes with a warning from dentists that people are 'abandoning' vital NHS dental treatments because they cannot afford the rising fees. Northampton Chronicle and Echo 

CQC survey finds many people are having poor experiences of community mental health services

CQC survey finds many people are having poor experiences of community mental health services People are consistently reporting poor experiences of NHS community mental health services with few positive results, according to an annual survey from the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

CQC’s 2020 Community Mental Health Survey finds poor experiences were reported for support and wellbeing, crisis care and accessing care. People reported they did not always receive support for physical health needs, finding financial advice or finding and keeping employment, which are all key drivers for good mental health.

See also:

A global science superpower: the future of medicines valuation

A global science superpower: the future of medicines valuation The government has set out it's ambition to become a world leader in the life sciences. This will mean supporting the ecosystem through investment and regulation, and ensuring new treatments deliver value for money. This briefing gives an overview of a discussion on this topic, hosted by Reform in October 2020. Reform 

    Health and Social Care Secretary announces bureaucracy-busting drive

    Health and Social Care Secretary announces bureaucracy-busting drive The new drive seeks to empower frontline health and care staff by reducing unnecessary bureaucracy and locking in positive change seen during the pandemic. Department of Health and Social Care 

    See also:

    The supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) during the COVID-19 pandemic

    The supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) during the COVID-19 pandemic Today’s report by the National Audit Office (NAO) finds that government was initially reliant on stockpiles of personal protective equipment (PPE) that proved inadequate for the COVID-19 pandemic. In a rapidly deteriorating situation government made a huge effort to boost supply, but it has paid very high prices due to unusual market conditions and many front-line workers reported shortages of PPE. National Audit Office

    See also:

    Coronavirus: support for rough sleepers

    Coronavirus: support for rough sleepers This briefing paper outlines the measures taken in England to support rough sleepers, and those at risk of rough sleeping, during the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. It discusses the impact of these measures and stakeholder comment. House of Commons Library

      Covid-19: Three households can mix over Christmas in UK

      Covid-19: Three households can mix over Christmas in UK Up to three households will be able to meet up during a five-day Christmas period of 23 to 27 December, leaders of the four UK nations have agreed.

      People can mix in homes, places of worship and outdoor spaces, and travel restrictions will also be eased.

      But a formed "Christmas bubble" must be "exclusive" and would not be able to visit pubs or restaurants together. BBC News

      See also:

      Brain imaging technology designed for babies

      Brain imaging technology designed for babies Scientists in the UK have demonstrated technology that could allow us to better understand a baby's brain during moments of natural activity. 

      The brain imaging technology has been developed by teams from UCL, Cambridge University, the Rosie Hospital in Cambridge and Gowerlabs.

      It uses high-density diffuse optical tomography (HD-DOT) and has been tested on six-month old infants. BBC News

      Matt Hancock wants to use NHS testing system to fight flu after Covid

      Matt Hancock wants to use NHS testing system to fight flu after Covid The NHS should routinely test people for illnesses such as seasonal flu once the coronavirus pandemic has passed, Matt Hancock has said, adding that he wants to end the UK’s culture of “soldiering on” and going to work while ill, infecting others.

      Giving evidence to a Commons committee hearing, the health secretary said the mass testing capacity built up to deal with Covid could be repurposed to detect illnesses such as influenza, and thus limit the community spread of these as a routine intervention. The Guardian

      See also: