This blog covers the latest UK health care news, publications, policy announcements, events and information focused on the NHS, as well as the latest media stories and local news coverage of the NHS Trusts in Northamptonshire.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Invitation to talk health in Corby
Invitation to talk health in Corby Healthwatch Northamptonshire is inviting people to a meeting about health and social care at the Corby Cube on Thursday, December 5. Northamptonshire Telegraph
The Third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles
The Third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles Results published across six papers in The Lancet give the most detailed picture yet of the British population’s sex lives over the last 10 years, as part of the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles survey (Natsal).
See also:
See also:
- Let's talk about sex... BBC News
- Modern life 'turning people off sex' BBC News
Child-on-child abuse 'shocking'
Child-on-child abuse 'shocking' "Shocking" sexual violence is being carried out by children against other children as young as 11, according to an official report. BBC News
Solving a game of hospital Tetris
Solving a game of hospital Tetris Can tracking technology help fill hospital beds? BBC News
AUDIO: Carers 'paid less than minimum wage'
AUDIO: Carers 'paid less than minimum wage' Some care workers are being paid less than the minimum wage, a report has found. BBC News
Tough decisions needed on NHS pay says Dean Royles
Tough decisions needed on NHS pay says Dean Royles It is the same every year. The annual planning cycle means that each September, we submit our written evidence to the NHS Pay review bodies – independent bodies that recommend pay awards for NHS staff. They will decide in spring 2014 whether or not to accept our recommendations. The review body asked us for evidence …NHS Voices
Waiting times for GPs predicted to worsen this winter, as result of emerging £10.2bn funding black hole
Waiting times for GPs predicted to worsen this winter, as result of emerging £10.2bn funding black hole According to new research by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP), funding has drifted away from primary care towards hospitals over the last eight years – with the result that general practice now receives £2.4bn less a year than if funding had kept pace with secondary care.
Steroid use in premature babies linked to ADHD
Steroid use in premature babies linked to ADHD "Steroid injections for premature babies could raise ADHD risk," reports The Daily Telegraph after a Finnish study found a link between steroid use (corticosteroids) in premature babies and developmental conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Still ignoring the risks? An interim review of health and wellbeing boards
Still ignoring the risks? An interim review of health and wellbeing boards Earlier this year, the Campaign to End Loneliness published Ignoring the health risks?, which tracked whether the newly established health and wellbeing boards across England had prioritised the public health issues of loneliness and isolation within their strategies. This review updates the research and finds that more than half of boards have included some reference to loneliness or isolation in their strategies.
Improve access to support for domestic abuse, BMA demands
Improve access to support for domestic abuse, BMA demands GPs have key role in spotting signs of abuse, but often lack confidence in how best to handle it. OnMedica
Obesity crisis: more than one third of 60-70 year olds now dangerously overweight
Obesity crisis: more than one third of 60-70 year olds now dangerously overweight People are growing fatter in old age with waist sizes rising faster than body mass index. The Daily Telegraph

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