Friday, 9 December 2016

Northamptonshire's Sustainability and Transformation Plan published

Northamptonshire's Sustainability and Transformation Plan published Northamptonshire’s health and social care organisations have today published their five year plan to reshape and improve the way that care is delivered within the region.

‘Northamptonshire’s Sustainability And Transformation Plan 2016-2021: How We Will Support Local People To Flourish’ has been produced by Northamptonshire’s NHS and Northamptonshire County Council (NCC). Healthwatch Northamptonshire, Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire, the new GP Federations, and other local organisations involved in providing care in the region have all inputted into the development of the proposed plan.

John Wardell, Senior Responsible Officer, Northamptonshire STP Programme and Accountable Officer for Nene Clinical Commissioning Group, explains why this review of the whole health and social care system is necessary.

“We need to work together to ensure that all health and social care services are financially sustainable so that in the future we can continue to deliver high-quality care for the people of Northamptonshire. Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Plea to stay away from A&E this weekend

Plea to stay away from A&E this weekend Huge pressure on Kettering General Hospital’s A&E department has prompted bosses to issue a plea to local people to stay away unless it’s a serious injury or absolute emergency. Northamptonshire Telegraph

The challenge and potential of whole system flow

The challenge and potential of whole system flow Improving the flow of patients, service users, information and resources within and between health and social care organisations can have a crucial role to play in coordinating care around the needs of patients and service users, and driving up service quality and productivity. This report outlines an organising framework and tested methods that local health and social care leaders can use to improve whole system flow. It draws on case studies and other examples of work in this area from across the UK and internationally. Health Foundation

Quality at a cost: QualityWatch annual statement 2016

Quality at a cost: QualityWatch annual statement 2016 This report warns that ongoing pressures on the NHS risk making the health service more vulnerable to serious lapses in care in future, despite achievements in maintaining and improving care quality in important areas. Nuffield Trust

Public Health spending cuts stop health visitors protecting and supporting mothers and babies

Public Health spending cuts stop health visitors protecting and supporting mothers and babies The State of Health Visiting Survey 2016 shows the drastic impact the cuts to the local authority public health budgets are already having on the universal public health services delivered by health visitors. In response, the Institute is calling upon the government to reinvest in public health to protect and support mothers and babies by stopping cuts to the health visiting service by cash-strapped local authorities.

According to the State of Health Visiting survey 2016, 85% of health visitors (HVs) of the 1224 surveyed say their workload has increased over the past two years – with 40% of the increase in workload due to a reduction in the number of health visitors, this is despite the huge investment which went into the service between 2012-15. 16% of HVs reported they now have caseloads of between 500 and 1000 children – the optimum average caseload for safe and effective practice is 250. Most worryingly, this is at a time when 80% of the respondents also report seeing an increase in domestic violence and abuse and perinatal depression in the families they visit. Institute of Health Visiting 

See also:

Vomiting bug 'at high level this winter'

Vomiting bug 'at high level this winter' The number of people falling ill with the vomiting bug norovirus in England this winter is at higher than average levels, figures suggest.

Lab testing has revealed there have been 1,704 cases so far - 9% higher than the average seen at this stage in the previous five winters.

This will be a fraction of the total number because it only captures people seeking NHS help.

In hospitals, there have been 100 outbreaks of the bug.

These outbreaks cause hospitals to close down beds and whole wards at what is the busiest time of the year.

According to latest figures, over 850 beds are closed because of norovirus out of a total of 100,000. BBC News

See also:

Self-harm hospital admissions of children show 'frightening rise'

Self-harm hospital admissions of children show 'frightening rise' Self-harming was a massive release for Sophie at a difficult time in her life, but she ended up in hospital aged 15 - like thousands of other children in England and Wales.

The children's charity NSPCC says nearly 19,000 children were admitted to hospital after harming themselves last year - a 14% rise over three years.

It called the figures "frightening".

And it said they should be a "wake-up call" to all those who care about the wellbeing of young people. BBC News

See also:

UK public health experts move to quash e-cigarette fears in wake of US report

UK public health experts move to quash e-cigarette fears in wake of US report UK public health experts have moved to quash fears about the potential dangers of e-cigarettes in the wake of the US Surgeon General’s report setting out the urgent need to curb the rising popularity of vaping among young people in the US.

Clinicians should not be put off from helping smokers to quit or cut their risk of harm by switching to vaping, they insist. OnMedica

Why the big secret over plans to transform NHS services?

Why the big secret over plans to transform NHS services? Proposed consolidation of neonatal services could be the reason sustainability and transformation plans (STPs) were drawn up without GPs like me

Nine out of 10 GPs have not been consulted about sustainability and transformation plans (STPs) in their area by their CCGs. STPs aim to sustain and transform all NHS services for each of the 44 regions in England and implement the the vision of the five-year forward view with its emphasis on self-care, prevention and collaborative working in large multi-disciplinary organisations. The GPs who have been involved in drawing up these five-year plans have roles on clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) and do not necessarily represent the views of their peers. This has generated criticism, particularly from the public and frontline staff who have been kept in the dark, despite many of them trying (and failing) to view the draft plans through several freedom of information requests.

The greatest danger of STPs is that they become the focus not of improvement or innovation but of cost-cutting Continue reading... The Guardian

One in 14 people now waiting for operations as demand on NHS soars

One in 14 people now waiting for operations as demand on NHS soars NHS England figures show number of people awaiting non-urgent surgery is at highest level since December 2007

Demand for medical care is rising so fast and hospitals are so busy that one in 14 people in England are now waiting to have a non-urgent operation.

NHS England figures released on Thursday show the number of people awaiting hospital treatment reached 3,754,961 in October – the highest level recorded since December 2007. Continue reading... The Guardian

Number of cancer patients waiting longer than two months for life-saving treatment has DOUBLED in five years

Number of cancer patients waiting longer than two months for life-saving treatment has DOUBLED in five years The number of cancer patients waiting longer than two months for life saving treatment has almost doubled in the last five years.

Patients are meant to be seen within 62 days for treatment once they are diagnosed with cancer.

But the government’s target of treating 85 per cent of cancer patients within two months has been missed every quarter for nearly three years.

Since 2010/11, the number of people waiting longer than two months for cancer treatment has nearly doubled. The Daily Mail

Refusing to give IVF to couples who are struggling to conceive is 'unacceptable'

Refusing to give IVF to couples who are struggling to conceive is 'unacceptable' Nicola Blackwood, minister for public health, said she was 'very disappointed' to learn that access to IVF treatment on the NHS has been reduced in some places. The Daily Mail

Swinging sixty-somethings see swell in sexually transmitted diseases

Swinging sixty-somethings see swell in sexually transmitted diseases Sexually transmitted infections are soaring among baby boomers, the country’s most senior doctor has warned, with rising divorce rates and unsafe sex fuelling the surge.

Prof Dame Sally Davies said older women without fear of pregnancy and men who had undergone vasectomies were increasingly putting themselves at risk of infections.

Official figures show a 38 per cent rise in sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in just four years among those aged 50 to 70. The Daily Telegraph

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