Northamptonshire's Sustainability and Transformation Plan published Northamptonshire’s health and social care organisations have today published their five year plan to reshape and improve the way that care is delivered within the region.
‘Northamptonshire’s Sustainability And Transformation Plan 2016-2021: How We Will Support Local People To Flourish’ has been produced by Northamptonshire’s NHS and Northamptonshire County Council (NCC). Healthwatch Northamptonshire, Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire, the new GP Federations, and other local organisations involved in providing care in the region have all inputted into the development of the proposed plan.
John Wardell, Senior Responsible Officer, Northamptonshire STP Programme and Accountable Officer for Nene Clinical Commissioning Group, explains why this review of the whole health and social care system is necessary.
“We need to work together to ensure that all health and social care services are financially sustainable so that in the future we can continue to deliver high-quality care for the people of Northamptonshire. Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
‘Northamptonshire’s Sustainability And Transformation Plan 2016-2021: How We Will Support Local People To Flourish’ has been produced by Northamptonshire’s NHS and Northamptonshire County Council (NCC). Healthwatch Northamptonshire, Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire, the new GP Federations, and other local organisations involved in providing care in the region have all inputted into the development of the proposed plan.
John Wardell, Senior Responsible Officer, Northamptonshire STP Programme and Accountable Officer for Nene Clinical Commissioning Group, explains why this review of the whole health and social care system is necessary.
“We need to work together to ensure that all health and social care services are financially sustainable so that in the future we can continue to deliver high-quality care for the people of Northamptonshire. Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust