Thursday, 6 February 2020

Cancer support centre to be built at KGH

Cancer support centre to be built at KGH A centre to support people living with cancer, their relatives and carers is set to be built at Kettering General Hospital.

The hospital is working with Macmillan Cancer Support to create the centre, the first in the north of the county, which will be based in a courtyard garden area close to the main reception. It's not yet known how much it would cost to build. Northamptonshire Telegraph

Corby, Kettering, Wellingborough and East Northants breast screening invitations struggling to reap results

Corby, Kettering, Wellingborough and East Northants breast screening invitations struggling to reap results Women called by Kettering General Hospital (KGH) for routine breast cancer screening mammograms are failing to respond to the invitations in increasing numbers, according to the latest figures released by NHS Digital.

Although KGH's overall ranking for 'first and all routine invitations' has improved year-on-year, with their England ranking rising from 42nd from 22nd overall, the unit had been in the top three just five years ago. Northamptonshire Telegraph

Hospitals ordered to create ‘secure coronavirus pods’ to stop A&E being deluged

Hospitals ordered to create ‘secure coronavirus pods’ to stop A&E being deluged All NHS hospitals in England have been ordered to create secure pods to assess patients with suspected coronavirus, to avoid A&E departments becoming deluged.

Hospitals have been told to create “coronavirus priority assessment pods” in a bid to avoid a “surge in emergency departments”.

The letter, sent last week, instructs all chief executives and medical directors to have the pods up and running by this Friday. The Telegraph

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The state of the nation: sexually transmitted infections in England

The state of the nation: sexually transmitted infections in England Terrence Higgins Trust -This report, written with BASHH, calls for the Government to implement a new sexual health strategy, including the need for immediate steps to be taken on the threat of drug resistant STIs. The report shows that someone is diagnosed with an STI every 70 seconds. King's Fund - Health Management and Policy Alert

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Ban term 'painkiller' to end obsession with drugs

Ban term 'painkiller' to end obsession with drugs Government adviser calls for change in culture on painkillers with greater focus on social issues.

Prof Jamie Coleman said the phrase raised unrealistic expectations - with "pain-reliever" a better option. Research suggests just one in 10 patients seeking help for long-term pain, benefit from strong painkillers. BBC News - Health

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Hospital whistleblower raised alarm over doctor seen injecting himself

Hospital whistleblower raised alarm over doctor seen injecting himself Exclusive: the Guardian can reveal details behind intervention at hospital in Matt Hancock’s constituency

A whistleblower raised the alarm over patient safety at Matt Hancock’s local hospital because of concerns about the behaviour of a doctor who had been seen injecting himself with drugs, the Guardian can reveal.

The incident had already prompted internal complaints from senior staff at West Suffolk hospital, but the whistleblower decided to take matters a step further when the same doctor was later involved in a potentially botched operation. The Guardian

Landmark study to transform cancer treatment

Landmark study to transform cancer treatment More than a thousand scientists have built the most detailed picture of cancer ever in a landmark study.

They said cancer was like a 100,000-piece jigsaw, and that until today, 99% of the pieces were missing. Their studies, published in the journal Nature, provide an almost complete picture of all cancers. BBC News - Health

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Heads Up: Tackling mental health through football

Heads Up: Tackling mental health through football Prince William has launched a new initiative aimed at normalising conversations about mental health. BBC News

Local partnerships and children’s mental health

Local partnerships and children’s mental health A report published by the Local Government Association sets out how councils and their partners can work most effectively together to support children and young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing. NHS Networks

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Call for crackdown on unsafe workloads after GP suicides

Call for crackdown on unsafe workloads after GP suicides Doctors' leaders and health regulators have called for an immediate crackdown on ‘unsafe’ workloads following the death of two GPs by suicide in the last nine months. GP Online

Staffing for safe and effective care in the UK : 2019 report

Staffing for safe and effective care in the UK : 2019 report Royal College of Nursing (RCN) - This report provides an overview of progress made against the RCN's safe staffing campaign principles during 2019. It includes country-specific updates as well as a look ahead to priorities during 2020. Kings Fund

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