Tuesday, 5 November 2013

County in top ten as thousands sign up to quit smoking

County in top ten as thousands sign up to quit smoking Northamptonshire saw one of the highest sign-up rates for a quit smoking campaign which ran last month. Northamptonshire Telegraph

See also:

Now or never: shaping pharmacy for the future

Now or never: shaping pharmacy for the future This report highlights that people across England should expect pharmacists to offer far more than just medicines. It looks at how pharmacists are providing easy access to medicines, advice, review and care; better self-management of long-term conditions; better health through support to make lifestyle changes, and services which are integrated with other health professionals- so care is seamless, and it recommends ways to make these services more widespread.

AUDIO: NHS chief: Winter will be an 'issue'

AUDIO: NHS chief: Winter will be an 'issue' Sir Bruce Keogh, NHS England's medical director explains how A&E departments will function over the winter period. BBC News

Health and wellbeing boards: one year on

Health and wellbeing boards: one year on Health and wellbeing boards have made good progress but face a critical year which could define whether they develop into system leaders or are relegated to a side show, according to a King’s Fund survey. There is little sign that the 152 new bodies have begun to grapple with immediate issues such as reconfiguration and integrated care with the latter only mentioned by nine respondents. King's Fund

Can we really do this patient and community engagement ‘stuff’? Joan Saddler poses the question

Can we really do this patient and community engagement ‘stuff’? Joan Saddler poses the question The move towards framing the language of our health and care system to put patients at the centre of everything we do has been a positive and heartening development. Not only is this better for individuals receiving care – who should always be treated with compassion and respect – but also for the carers who… Continue reading »  NHS Voices

084 numbers banned

084 numbers banned The use of expensive 084 numbers by GP practices has been banned by NHS England. E-Health Insider

41,500 patients admitted to hospital every day in England - up nearly 13 per cent in five years

41,500 patients admitted to hospital every day in England - up nearly 13 per cent in five years NHS hospitals dealt with 15.1 million admissions in 2012-13 - or about 41,500 admissions per day on average across England, new figures show. Health and Social Care Information Centre

Tackling female genital mutilation (FGM) in the UK: intercollegiate recommendations for identifying, recording and reporting

Tackling female genital mutilation (FGM) in the UK: intercollegiate recommendations for identifying, recording and reporting his report argues that new measures are required to ensure that young girls at risk of undergoing female genital mutilation are protected by the existing UK legal framework. The report makes nine recommendations for tackling FGM in the UK and considers issues such as the lack of consistent data collection about FGM in the NHS

Facilitating knowledge exchange between health-care sectors, organisations and professions

Facilitating knowledge exchange between health-care sectors, organisations and professions "Relatively little is known about how people and groups who function in boundary-spanning positions between different sectors, organisations and professions contribute to improved quality of health care and clinical outcomes." National Institute for Health Services Research

Deprived of chance to die at home

Deprived of chance to die at home fficial study shows terminally ill patients in some areas twice as likely to be able to die at home than in some deprived parts of the country The Daily Telegraph

See also: