Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Cancer patients are 'refusing' to go to Northampton General Hospital during lockdown, report reveals

Cancer patients are 'refusing' to go to Northampton General Hospital during lockdown, report reveals Dozens of cancer patients have "refused" to go to critical appointments at Northampton General Hospital under the coronavirus lockdown. Northampton Chronicle and Echo 

See also:

The structure of the NHS in England

The structure of the NHS in England This briefing provides an overview of the funding and accountability relationships within this NHS in England, and an introduction to the roles of key organisations including NHS England, NHS Improvement and the Care Quality Commission. It also highlights some key health policy issues, including patient safety, funding, and the integration of health and social care. House of Commons Library

CQC publishes data on deaths of people with a learning disability

CQC publishes data on deaths of people with a learning disability The information that care homes submit to CQC about the deaths of people in their care is published on a weekly basis as part of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reporting on deaths. The ONS data is not broken down by whether the person who died had a disability.

Supported by ONS we have completed a targeted piece of analysis to better understand the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on people with a learning disability, some of whom may also be autistic, and how the number of deaths during this period compares to the number of deaths last year. Care Quality Commission

Research and analysis: COVID-19: review of disparities in risks and outcomes

Research and analysis: COVID-19: review of disparities in risks and outcomes This is a descriptive review of surveillance data on disparities in the risk and outcomes from COVID-19. The review looked at different factors including:
  • age and sex
  • where people live
  • deprivation
  • ethnicity
  • people’s occupation
  • care home residence
The review’s findings are based on the latest surveillance data available to PHE and from links to wider health data sets. Public Health England

See also:

Coronavirus: Why we don't know how many are being tested

Coronavirus: Why we don't know how many are being tested The government has not published the number of people tested for coronavirus since 22 May.

It's also been criticised for not detailing who was swabbed - staff, patients or those isolating at home.

The UK Statistics Authority chairman has written to the Health Secretary Matt Hancock, saying the published official figures are "far from complete and comprehensible". BBC News

See also:

ECT depression therapy should be suspended, study suggests

ECT depression therapy should be suspended, study suggests The use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) to treat people with depression should be immediately suspended, according to a new study.

ECT involves passing electric currents through a patient's brain to cause seizures or fits.

The study's lead author says there was "no place" for ECT in evidence-based medicine due to risks of brain damage. BBC News

See also: