Friday, 7 April 2017

Former World Boxing Championship contender's mental health message to Northampton's young people

Former World Boxing Championship contender's mental health message to Northampton's young people A world-class boxer and former Northampton mental health hospital patient says young people should open up about their emotional baggage before it gets on top of them. Northampton Chronicle and Echo

Sharp rise in A&Es turning away ambulances

Sharp rise in A&Es turning away ambulances Paramedics warn the issue is causing delays getting to the most seriously ill and injured patients. BBC News Health

Too many practices being forced to close due to workload and GP shortages, says RCGP

Too many practices being forced to close due to workload and GP shortages, says RCGP Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard, Chair of the Royal College of GPs, has responded to figures on GP practice closures and the subsequent impact this is having on patients' access to their local family doctor.She said: “GP practices are the lifeblood of our local communities so the complete closure of any practice will always be a last resort when all other options have proved unworkable. Royal College of General Practitioners

Kettering surgery continues to be good in all areas

Kettering surgery continues to be good in all areas A Kettering surgery continues to be rated as good in all areas. Headlands Surgery in Kettering was inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in February and its overall rating has been given as good in a report published this week. Northamptonshire Telegraph

Hospital patients at risk of clamping thanks to out-dated machines 

Hospital patients at risk of clamping thanks to out-dated machines Hospital patients and visitors are being left at risk of being clamped because of outdated parking systems, figures suggest.

Four in 10 NHS trusts will only take payments using loose change, an investigation has found, while one third refuse to allow drivers to pay on exit.

The RAC collected data under the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) from 164 out of 206 hospital trusts in England, of whom 125 charged for parking. The Telegraph

NHS Wales chief says no trade-off over waiting times - BBC News - BBC News

NHS Wales chief says no trade-off over waiting times NHS Wales' boss has rejected the idea that planned surgery waiting times could be allowed to grow as a "trade off" for quicker A&E and cancer care.

Dr Andrew Goodall said the health service in Wales would instead look to keep making "steady and sustained improvements across the board". BBC News

Falls by elderly are now the most common serious injury

Falls by elderly are now the most common serious injury A third of all cases of life-threatening trauma in England and Wales are among over-60s who have fallen from a standing or sitting height, according to a new report. Daily Mail

Rules of memory 'beautifully' rewritten

Rules of memory 'beautifully' rewritten What really happens when we make and store memories has been unravelled in a discovery that surprised even the scientists who made it.

The US and Japanese team found that the brain "doubles up" by simultaneously making two memories of events. BBC News - Health