Friday, 25 November 2016

Involving patients and the public in developing STPs

Involving patients and the public in developing STPs In my work life I am a senior leadership consultant at The King’s Fund; however like all of us I am also a citizen in my community, and I am writing here from both perspectives.

In my local area over the past few weeks, I have heard quite a few people talking about the same thing – that is a recent article in the local paper stating that three major departments in our hospital are to be moved to the regional hospitals 50 to 60 miles away. As it turned out, the source of this story was proposals in our local sustainability and transformation plan (STP) which had been leaked to the press. This has caused a good deal of concern locally, with many people feeling fearful, confused and angry.

Joining up care for older people with frailty

Joining up care for older people with frailty Advancements in medicine are a great success story, and as a result our patients are living longer, but they are also increasingly living with multiple, long term conditions and that brings a number of challenges for general practice and the wider NHS.

Older patients make up the majority of those attending GP surgeries and acute hospitals so getting the right combinations of care in the right place and at the right time is crucial to avert avoidable admissions and delayed discharge from hospital.

Integrated care for older people with frailty: innovative approaches in practice is being launched today at the British Geriatrics Society’s national scientific meeting where over 700 geriatricians, and other healthcare professionals engaged in the specialist care of older people are gathering to share best practice and the latest scientific research. Royal College of General Practitioners and British Geriatrics Society

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Meeting the need: what makes a 'good' JSNA for mental health or dementia?

Meeting the need: what makes a 'good' JSNA for mental health or dementia? This research outlines how mental health needs assessments can prompt concerted action to improve wellbeing and life chances in local communities. It explores how five local councils across England went about understanding the mental health needs of their communities and taking action to meet them more effectively. It finds that joint strategic needs assessments (JSNAs) for mental health and dementia can help to direct investment, to improve services and to help local agencies work together more effectively. Centre for Mental Health

NHS efficiency map

NHS efficiency map This map aims to promote best practice in identifying, delivering and monitoring cost improvement programmes in the NHS. It contains links to a range of tools and guidance to help NHS bodies improve their efficiency. The map is split into three sections: enablers for efficiency, provider efficiency and system efficiency. It highlights the successes some NHS providers have had in delivering specific efficiency schemes and provides sign-posts to existing tools and reference materials. It also includes updated definitions for different types of efficiency. Healthcare Financial Management Association

Lansley: 'Incredibly difficult' for NHS

Lansley: 'Incredibly difficult' for NHS A former health secretary says an "incredibly difficult" two years await the NHS and social care in England.

Lord Lansley, health secretary from 2010-12, said he was "disappointed" that more funding was not announced in the Autumn Statement.

Tory council leader Izzi Seccombe said funding was needed now and councils had been "cut to the bone".

But Prime Minister Theresa May said ministers were already working to ease the situation.

Funding cuts to council-run social care in England have been blamed for a big increase in patients stuck in hospital beds because care cannot be arranged elsewhere. BBC News

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Born addicts

Born addicts Three babies are born addicted to drugs every day because of their mother's dependency, but some experts believe it is better to allow mother and baby to detox together. BBC News

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Thatcher pushed for breakup of welfare state despite NHS pledge

Thatcher pushed for breakup of welfare state despite NHS pledge PM declared the health service was ‘safe with us’ but secretly pressed on with radical proposals, archives reveal

Margaret Thatcher secretly tried to press ahead with a politically toxic plan to dismantle the welfare state even after a “cabinet riot” and her famous declaration that the “NHS is safe with us”, newly released Treasury documents show.

The plan commissioned by Thatcher and her chancellor Sir Geoffrey Howe included proposals to charge for state schooling, introduce compulsory private health insurance and a system of private medical facilities that “would, of course, mean the end of the National Health Service”. Continue reading... The Guardian

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NHS hospitals suffer from chronic bed shortage, surgeons say

NHS hospitals suffer from chronic bed shortage, surgeons say Royal College of Surgeons calls for rethink after figures show 89% of beds are full overnight for fourth quarter in a row

The Royal College of Surgeons said there was a chronic shortage of NHS hospital beds in England, after occupancy rates for overnight stays topped 89% for a fourth successive quarter.

The maximum occupancy rate for ensuring patients are well looked after and not exposed to health risks, is considered to be 85%, a figure that has not been achieved since NHS England began publishing statistics in 2010. Continue reading... The Guardian

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Lancet study on statins was 'fundamentally flawed' critics say

Lancet study on statins was 'fundamentally flawed' critics say A major Lancet study which backed the safety of statins was “fundamentally flawed” and underestimated the side-effects of the heart drugs, a group of medics have said.

The research published in September concluded that the drugs help prevent around 80,000 major cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks or strokes, every year.

Scientists said the drugs did far more harm than good, with too many patients had been put off taking them because of needless fears about side-effects. The Daily Telegraph

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