Friday, 27 June 2014

Independent report: Liverpool Care Pathway review: response to recommendations

Independent report: Liverpool Care Pathway review: response to recommendations

The Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People, made up of 21 national health and care organisations, has published One Chance to Get it Right, the response to the recommendations set out in More Care, Less Pathway, the independent review of the Liverpool Care Pathway.

The response sets out the Alliance’s commitment that care for all people in the last days of their life should be compassionate and tailored to the needs and preferences of the dying person. To achieve this, the Alliance has developed 5 new Priorities for Care, which set out the standards of care that dying people and their families should expect to receive.

The Alliance has also published:
the commitments Alliance members have made to implement the Priorities for Care
a summary of public engagement into the Alliance’s proposed approach

Further materials for health and care staff and organisations involved in implementing the priorities are available from the NHS Improving Quality website.

Blood test for breast cancer comes step closer

Blood test for breast cancer comes step closer

A simple blood test which could help predict a woman’s chance of developing breast cancer is in development, after new research uncovered a genetic “early marker” of risk, scientists have said. Independent

Work experience student makes cystic fibrosis breakthrough

Work experience student makes cystic fibrosis breakthrough

A medical student on work experience has made a breakthrough in cystic fibrosis research that will improve treatment and could extend sufferers’ life expectancy. Independent

Health and wellbeing metrics and demographics

Health and wellbeing metrics and demographics

We’ve added new information, case studies and useful links to the health and wellbeing section of our website on using metrics and demographics. 
NHS Employers

Hunt calls for shared records and data

Hunt calls for shared records and data

The NHS will not reach its full potential without sharing of electronic patient records across health and social care, Jeremy Hunt has said. EHI News

Shine like a star: inspirational improvement innovations

Shine like a star: inspirational improvement innovations

Across the country teams are often developing and implementing ideas to improve safety, efficiency and person-centred care, but it's less common for teams to have the space and time to build the initial evidence needed to get wider interest and adoption. The Shine programme aims to help teams to do just that, says Jo Bibby.
Health Foundation

The impact of the older generation on England's healthcare system

The impact of the older generation on England's healthcare system

The government has produced a report looking at the impact people aged over 65 have on the NHS. We look at the figures

The proportion of England aged over 65 has increased dramatically over the past 50 years and looks set to grow even more in the coming decades

In 1951, 11% of people were aged 65 and less than 1% were over 85. In 2011, those proportions had increased to 16% and 2% respectively. Government projections suggest that by 2051, one in four will be over 65 while 7% of the population will be 85 and over. Guardian

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Call to halve target for added sugar

Call to halve target for added sugar

People need to more than halve their intake of added sugar to tackle the obesity crisis, according to scientific advice for the government in England. BBC News 

Juice could no longer count towards 'five a day'

Juice could no longer count towards 'five a day'

Health officials are considering changes so fruit juice no longer counts towards 'five a day' amid concerns that it is fuelling Britain's obesity epidemic. Daily Telegraph

Plain cigarette packaging regulations to be announced by ministers

Plain cigarette packaging regulations to be announced by ministers

Department of Health confirms it is bringing forward moves on plain packets, delighting doctors and health charities

Plain packaging for cigarettes will come a step closer when ministers announce regulations to enact the historic move on Thursday. Guardian

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Vitamin D deficiency linked to high blood pressure

Vitamin D deficiency linked to high blood pressure

"Vitamin D supplements could help high blood pressure," The Independent reports. The paper reports on new research into genetic variations associated with low vitamin D levels and their relationship with blood pressure.

Researchers pooled 35 studies of nearly 100,000 people with a European background. They found that the lower the vitamin D levels, the higher blood pressure was.

But they did not look at whether vitamin D supplements or exposure to sunlight would lower blood pressure. And, similarly, they also did not look at whether a lowering of blood pressure improves health outcomes.

These findings are also limited by the fact the study only included people with a European background. It is therefore unclear whether a similar association would be found in other ethnicities.