Thursday, 28 June 2012

Most patients would recommend Kettering General Hospital

Most patients would recommend Kettering General Hospital:
A majority of Kettering General Hospital patients would recommend the service to friends and family, a survey has revealed. Evening Telegraph

Local health profiles published for every county and council in England

Local health profiles published for every county and council in England: Details of local health needs in every county and council in England have been published, alongside tools to help users analyse the data.

You can find Northamptonshire here.

New health visitor service ''will be dynamic''

New health visitor service ''will be dynamic'': New parents will get more support from health visitors in the home and community, says Department of Health Public Service

Update on induction for junior doctors

Update on induction for junior doctors: The Joint Negotiating Committee for Junior Doctors (JNC J) has issued guidance for the induction of junior doctors. NHS Employers

Healthcare public health advice service to clinical commissioning groups: guidance to support the provision of healthcare public health advice to CCGs

Healthcare public health advice service to clinical commissioning groups: guidance to support the provision of healthcare public health advice to CCGs:
This guidance aims to help local authority based Directors of Public Health and NHS commissioners with local planning in the transition year before the new healthcare system goes live in April 2013. It is intended supersede the draft guidance issued to local public health teams and CCGs in February 2012.

The home cure

The home cure:
This report examines whether, through changes to delivery, out-patient home care programmes can achieve better outcomes. Introduced in the 2000s to reduce ‘bed-blocking’ in hospitals, evidence now suggests that effective reablement can facilitate swifter discharge and reduce the need of ongoing home care support by up to 60 per cent. The savings to both health and social care services are substantial; but in reality performance is variable. This report finds that reablement services could benefit from deep structural changes to how they are delivered.

Assessment of health-system crisis preparedness: England

Assessment of health-system crisis preparedness: England:
This report describes the level of preparedness of the English health system to deal with crises, regardless of cause. It also examines the risk-prevention and risk-mitigation initiatives of the country. While the main focus is on the national level, some attention has been paid to weaknesses in the command structure at the regional level. Recommendations on possible action are included.

Guidance offered to GPs on spotting autism

Guidance offered to GPs on spotting autism:

Family doctors have been given new guidance to help them identify autism in adults to help them get the help they need.
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) published the guidance to see NHS staff better equipped to recognise the signs and symptoms of autism in adults.
There are half a million people in the UK with an autism spectrum condition (ASC) including Asperger syndrome... Healthcare Today

Adults with autism need more help in accessing services

Adults with autism need more help in accessing services: Early diagnosis of adults with autism can help them access the services they need, including assistance with getting jobs and keeping hold of them.  NICE

Obese and smokers less of a burden on the NHS than the healthy who live longer - report

Obese and smokers less of a burden on the NHS than the healthy who live longer - report: Healthy people live longer and end up needing 24 hour care, report says. The Daily Telegraph

Don't sign, hospitals warned before PFI deal

Don't sign, hospitals warned before PFI deal: An NHS hospital trust was officially warned not to sign the £500 million PFI deal that left it on the brink of bankruptcy, an independent report discloses. The Daily Telegraph

One in four hospitals, clinics and care homes fail to meet basic standards for patient safety and quality of care

One in four hospitals, clinics and care homes fail to meet basic standards for patient safety and quality of care:
One in four hospitals, clinics and care homes in England are failing to meet basic standards for patient safety and quality of care, according to the most comprehensive study of its kind. The Independent