Monday, 1 October 2012

More NHS Northamptonshire Healthcare staff lay-offs 'inescapable' - Northampton Chronicle & Echo

More NHS Northamptonshire Healthcare staff lay-offs 'inescapable' - Northampton Chronicle & Echo:

Northampton Chronicle & Echo
More NHS Northamptonshire Healthcare staff lay-offs 'inescapable'
Northampton Chronicle & Echo
Finance chiefs at Northamptonshire Healthcare's annual general meeting on Friday said it must save money at the rate of five per cent a year up until 2015 at least. After that, finance director Bill McFarland said, the level of cuts “was anyone's guess”.

and more »

NGH 'might benefit' in all change scenarios - Northampton Chronicle & Echo

NGH 'might benefit' in all change scenarios - Northampton Chronicle & Echo:

Northampton Chronicle & Echo
NGH 'might benefit' in all change scenarios
Northampton Chronicle & Echo
The planned shake-up of NHS care could see Northampton General Hospital expand and become a better centre for many types of surgery. Patients have been worried the NGH could be affected negatively by the Healthier Together plans that would concentrate ...

A clinical commissioner’s guide to the voluntary sector

A clinical commissioner’s guide to the voluntary sector: It is the first guide of its kind and it is an important document both for CCGs and for the voluntary and community sector. It explores models for suc­cessful collaboration between commissioners and sector organisations in the new landscape of clinical commis­sioning and developing provider markets.

New virus 'is not easily spread'

New virus 'is not easily spread': A new respiratory illness - from the same family as the Sars virus - appears not to spread easily, experts at the World Health Organization say. BBC News

VIDEO: Alzheimer's patients tracked

VIDEO: Alzheimer's patients tracked: A council in London is trying out a new way of helping people with dementia. BBC News

Implementing the age discrimination ban - briefing for providers and commissioners

Implementing the age discrimination ban - briefing for providers and commissioners: A new briefing details what providers and commissioners of NHS services need to know about the age discrimination ban, which the Government will fully implement on 1 October 2012. NHS Employers

Implementing a ban on age discrimination in the NHS: making effective, appropriate decisions

Implementing a ban on age discrimination in the NHS: making effective, appropriate decisions: From 1 October 2012, it will be unlawful for service providers and commissioners to discriminate, victimise, or harass a person because of age. This briefing gives an overview of the ban on age discrimination.It is specifically aimed at those who plan, commission or provide NHS services, whether in the NHS, voluntary or private sectors.

Community mental health survey 2012

Community mental health survey 2012: This survey looked at the experiences of people receiving community
mental health services. The majority of participants said that they were
treated with respect and dignity and were listened to carefully, that
they had their views taken into account and had enough time to discuss
their condition and treatment, and that they had trust and confidence in
the health or social care worker they had seen most recently. It was
also found that participants felt the need to be more involved in some
aspects of their care.

NICE to develop further quality standards promoting the integration of health and social care services

NICE to develop further quality standards promoting the integration of health and social care services: The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) is to develop further integrated health and social care standards after several topic areas were referred to the Institute by the Department of Health.

'Significant risk' for mental health patients in custody - BBC News

'Significant risk' for mental health patients in custody - BBC News:

BBC News
'Significant risk' for mental health patients in custody
BBC News
A coroner has warned there is a "significant risk" for mental health patients who come into contact with the police when they are in a crisis. Last month an inquest decided officers at Brixton police station used "unsuitable" force in restraining ...

and more »

The public must be more involved in how NHS services are run

The public must be more involved in how NHS services are run:
The service needs more transparency, honesty and openness, says the NHS Confederation chief executive
In recent weeks I have attended numerous meetings that used the NHS constitution as a means to describe the health service. For those less familiar with this excellent creed, it includes the statement: "The NHS belongs to the people."

Cross party fears that NHS reforms risk the right to die at home

Cross party fears that NHS reforms risk the right to die at home: Reforms of the health service could mean fewer people are given the right to die in their own homes, a cross-party alliance of MPs, peers and charities has warned. The Daily Telegraph

British workers 'most depressed in Europe'

British workers 'most depressed in Europe': British workers are the most depressed in Europe, according to a report that claims a quarter of employees here have been diagnosed with the affliction. The Daily Telegraph

Cancer costs EU £99bn per year

Cancer costs EU £99bn per year:
Cancer costs European countries 124 billion euros (£99 billion) every year, according to the first estimate of the full economic burden of the disease in the EU. The Independent

NHS 'cover-up' over lost cancer patient records

NHS 'cover-up' over lost cancer patient records:
Britain's largest NHS trust took five months to tell patients it had mislaid medical records for thousands of people waiting for cancer tests and other urgent treatments. Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust discovered in January that a serious computer problem and staff mistakes had played havoc with patient waiting lists. The Independent