Friday, 24 July 2015

The NHS in 2030: A vision of a people-powered knowledge-powered health system

The NHS in 2030: A vision of a people-powered knowledge-powered health system "The changes to healthcare imagined in this paper would add up to a fundamental shift in how people understand health and who is responsible for managing it. By 2030, there may be new kinds of knowledge, new ways of using it and new kinds of people involved in health support and services." Nesta

Powerful people: reinforcing the power of citizens and communities in health and care

Powerful people: reinforcing the power of citizens and communities in health and care This report argues for giving citizens greater control over their own health and care, so that services are redesigned around their needs and aspirations, to improve health outcomes, and to save money by supporting people better to manage their conditions themselves. Institute for Public Policy Research

NHS launches next step of urgent care review

NHS launches next step of urgent care review NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens and the NHS Five Year Forward View partners today (Friday) announced eight new vanguards that will launch the transformation of urgent and emergency care for more than nine million people.

This comes as NHS England also revealed the success of Regional Major Trauma Networks which, after they were set up just three years ago, have seen a remarkable 50 per cent increase in the odds of survival for trauma patients revealed in a new independent audit by the Trauma Audit and Research Network (TARN).

More than a fifth of young people have tried e-cigarettes

More than a fifth of young people have tried e-cigarettes School pupil survey asks about use of new smoking products and legal highs for the first time. Health and Social Care Information Centre

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Malaria vaccine one step closer

Malaria vaccine one step closer The world's first malaria vaccine has cleared one of the final regulatory hurdles prior to being used to immunise children in sub-Saharan Africa. BBC News

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Paramedics and medical assistants can ease GP workload, finds workforce commission

Paramedics and medical assistants can ease GP workload, finds workforce commission Paramedics could 'substitute for GPs' in some cases, while use of pharmacists and other staff in primary care must be widened to help tackle the workforce crisis, a landmark GP workforce commission has found. GP Online

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GP funding may be pooled with wider NHS budgets under new care models

GP funding may be pooled with wider NHS budgets under new care models General practice funding could be merged with other providers' budgets under new care model plans in 'vanguard' areas to be discussed by NHS England. GP Online

Timely patient discharge will ensure hospitals don't become frailty factories

Timely patient discharge will ensure hospitals don't become frailty factories Commission to gather evidence of how hospitals have tackled bottlenecks, long waits and delayed care transfers

Let me let you in on a secret: winter is coming. Sure as night follows day the NHS will be in the headlines as A&Es and hospital wards fill up and valiant staff struggle to deliver the right care to people in the right place at the right time.

Last winter ministers established a weekly emergency meeting to manage the pressures in the system. The intention may have been a good one but it is no way to run our NHS – it tends to focus on the immediate presenting issues often treating symptoms rather than causes. Continue reading... The Guardian

Why on earth do some doctors still think they can 'cure' gay people?

Why on earth do some doctors still think they can 'cure' gay people? A shocking new report from lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans equality charity Stonewall has shown 'unhealthy attitudes' among health and social work staff. Here, its CEO Ruth Hunt sets out what needs to be done to tackle them. The Daily Telegraph

NHS bosses paid by drug firms

NHS bosses paid by drug firms Senior NHS staff are being paid thousands of pounds and taken on expensive trips by drug companies lobbying to get their products used by the health service, the Daily Telegraph can reveal. The Daily Telegraph

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