Friday, 20 January 2012

The latest waiting times: Targets and extra funding James Thompson

The latest waiting times: Targets and extra funding James Thompson: James Thompson examines the data on median hospital waiting times and targets in our latest data briefing. Kings Fund

NHS Diabetes updates care planning guide

NHS Diabetes updates care planning guide:
The series provides easily accessible summaries of the latest guidance and research evidence relating to specific key topics of relevance to healthcare professionals and the diabetes community.

The guide includes a brief summary introduction to each topic, followed by a synthesis of latest key policy papers, national body statements, clinical or care guidelines and the latest key research and evaluation papers. NHS Networks

The week: issue 231

The week: issue 231:

In this week’s edition, read the latest advice on PIP implants. Views are sought on draft statutory guidance on JSNAs and joint health and wellbeing strategies and Minister Paul Burstow has reaffirmed his commitment to 3millionlives at an event today. Department of Health

Download ‘the week’: issue 231, 13 – 19 January 2012 (PDF, 74K)

Consultation on low secure services and psychiatric intensive care

Consultation on low secure services and psychiatric intensive care:

A consultation document on low secure services and psychiatric intensive care is being issued today for a three month consultation by stakeholders.

The purpose of this consultation is to invite the views of stakeholders on how new guidance will operate by explaining the rationale behind the strategic approach and raising questions which cover a broad range of issues.

Subject to Parliamentary approval, the NHS will undergo a period of substantial change in how it commissions health services. The planned changes will introduce a new commissioning architecture, formally establishing a new NHS Commissioning Board and clinical commissioning groups.

Over the course of transition to the new system, the responsibilities of Strategic Health Authorities, regional specialised commissioning groups and primary care trusts will largely transfer to the NHS Commissioning Board and to clinical commissioning groups.

Under the proposed commissioning arrangements, the NHS Commissioning Board will commission services to include primary care, veterans and offender health services and those services that fall into the national specialised services definition set, for example secure services. Clinical commissioning groups will commission local health services including community and non-specialised inpatient mental health services.

Low secure services and psychiatric intensive care: consultation document

Low secure services: good practice commissioning guide

Psychiatric intensive care: good practice commissioning guide

Equality impact assessment

Consultation reply form

In order to issue guidance by middle of 2012 it would be helpful for responses to be received in advance of 19 April 2012 deadline. Department of Health

Is it too late to stop the NHS overhaul?

Is it too late to stop the NHS overhaul?: Why it could be too late to stop the NHS overhaul BBC News

Unions are ''playing politics'' with the NHS

Unions are ''playing politics'' with the NHS: The unions representing workers in the health service are using the issue of the NHS reforms to...

Warning over bogus NMC emails

Warning over bogus NMC emails

A concordat between the Department of Health and the telehealth and telecare industry

A concordat between the Department of Health and the telehealth and telecare industry:

The Minister for Care Services, Paul Burstow, has confirmed the Department of Health's commitment to telehealth and telecare following the success of the whole systems demonstrator programme. This concordat demonstrates this commitment to telehealth and telecare from both the Department of Health and the industry and outlines the framework for implementing telehealth and telecare in healthcare in England.

Why the RCN is opposing the Health and Social Care Bill

Why the RCN is opposing the Health and Social Care Bill:

The RCN have now moved to opposing the Health and Social Care Bill, arguing that serious concerns expressed by members have not been addressed during the parliamentary process, listening exercise or political engagement. This briefing provides more detail on the RCN's stance on the bill.

Video: Professor Steve Field on integration

Video: Professor Steve Field on integration:

Chair of NHS Future Forum on "changing the culture in health and social care"

Professor Steve Field spoke at the King's Fund conference on creating incentives to improve quality and promote integration.

The chair of the NHS Future Forum explained that "there was no silver bullet" when it comes to integration of health and social care but the main issue was encouraging clinical leaders to realise "that frankly we can't just get up in the press and just carry on saying he NHS has to stay how it is".

Speaking shortly after the Department of Health announced that it had accepted the Future Forum's recommendations on the health and social care bill, Field said: "We haven't got the time to theorise this any more".

You can catch up on more highlights from the conference online here.

Guardian Professional.

New nurses think basic care is 'beneath them': survey

New nurses think basic care is 'beneath them': survey: Newly qualified nurses are not properly prepared for the job and think basic care is 'beneath them', a survey has found. The Daily Telegraph

43pc rise in patients waiting too long for NHS treatment since election

43pc rise in patients waiting too long for NHS treatment since election: The number of hospital patients forced to wait more than 18 weeks for NHS treatment has risen by almost half since the Coalition came to power, new figures show. The Daily Telegraph

Unions use NHS reforms to 'have a go at Government', says Lansley

Unions use NHS reforms to 'have a go at Government', says Lansley:

Relations between the Government and health professionals sank to a new low after Andrew Lansley accused them of opposing his NHS reforms because they were upset about cuts to their pay and pensions. The Independent

Paying for "End-of-Life" Drugs in Australia, Germany, and the United Kingdom: Balancing Policy, Pragmatism, and Societal Values

Paying for "End-of-Life" Drugs in Australia, Germany, and the United Kingdom: Balancing Policy, Pragmatism, and Societal Values: This brief analyzes British, Australian,and German policies on coverage of "end-of-life" drugs. The Commonwealth Fund