Friday, 20 January 2012

Consultation on low secure services and psychiatric intensive care

Consultation on low secure services and psychiatric intensive care:

A consultation document on low secure services and psychiatric intensive care is being issued today for a three month consultation by stakeholders.

The purpose of this consultation is to invite the views of stakeholders on how new guidance will operate by explaining the rationale behind the strategic approach and raising questions which cover a broad range of issues.

Subject to Parliamentary approval, the NHS will undergo a period of substantial change in how it commissions health services. The planned changes will introduce a new commissioning architecture, formally establishing a new NHS Commissioning Board and clinical commissioning groups.

Over the course of transition to the new system, the responsibilities of Strategic Health Authorities, regional specialised commissioning groups and primary care trusts will largely transfer to the NHS Commissioning Board and to clinical commissioning groups.

Under the proposed commissioning arrangements, the NHS Commissioning Board will commission services to include primary care, veterans and offender health services and those services that fall into the national specialised services definition set, for example secure services. Clinical commissioning groups will commission local health services including community and non-specialised inpatient mental health services.

Low secure services and psychiatric intensive care: consultation document

Low secure services: good practice commissioning guide

Psychiatric intensive care: good practice commissioning guide

Equality impact assessment

Consultation reply form

In order to issue guidance by middle of 2012 it would be helpful for responses to be received in advance of 19 April 2012 deadline. Department of Health

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