Thursday, 2 May 2013

Is the NHS really over-managed?

Is the NHS really over-managed?: Research suggests the NHS may actually be under-managed BBC News

Should we worry about H7N9?

Should we worry about H7N9?: What is the threat posed by H7N9? BBC News

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NHS England orders 111 review

NHS England orders 111 review: NHS England has ordered an urgent review of the roll-out of NHS 111 and the sustainability of the current service model. E-Health Insider

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Collaborative healthcare 'groups' can work better than mergers

Collaborative healthcare 'groups' can work better than mergers: The NHS Confederation's Hospitals Forum asks if healthcare 'groups' are a better alternative than 'merger mania'.

Veterans to be trained to spot mental health problems

Policy+ 39: does NHS staff wellbeing affect patient experience of care? (National Nursing Research Unit)

Policy+ 39: does NHS staff wellbeing affect patient experience of care? (National Nursing Research Unit): It may be reasonable to presume that patients receive better care from staff who feel happier in their work. However little is known about the strength or possible impact of associations between staff wellbeing and patient outcomes including their experiences of the care provided. Previous research has tended to focus on single aspects or one staff group, or have looked at associations at the whole hospital level (for example using the national staff and patient surveys, and hospital level outcomes. Researchers in the NNRU have completed a study within the English NHS exploring the links between patients' experiences of health care and staff experiences at work such as staff motivation and wellbeing at work. Staff and patient views were captured at the
team/unit level – where possible matching staff to the individual patients they cared for to test associations between staff and patient experience.

Danger! NHS at risk from cuts and political inertia

Danger! NHS at risk from cuts and political inertia: Despite myths that health budgets are growing, NHS spending will be cut as funds are redirected towards social care
The NHS is in danger of being crushed between a funding cut and political inertia over the need to reconfigure services.

Hospitals 'are ignoring advice on caesarean sections'

Hospitals 'are ignoring advice on caesarean sections': Some C-sections are being carried out too early, and babies face risk of serious breathing problems, say experts
The health of thousands of babies born every year by planned caesarean section is being put at risk because hospitals carry out the operations earlier than is wise, childbirth experts are warning.

Health watchdog sacks senior managers amid baby deaths scandal

Health watchdog sacks senior managers amid baby deaths scandal: The health watchdog, the CQC, which has been criticised for repeated failures to protect vulnerable patients has cleared out its senior executive team. The Daily Telegraph

Campaigners brand police plan to fit dementia patients with GPS tracking devices to reduce costly call-outs as 'inhumane'

Campaigners brand police plan to fit dementia patients with GPS tracking devices to reduce costly call-outs as 'inhumane': A police force plans to fit dementia patients with GPS tracking devices in a bid to reduce the number of costly call-outs to search for patients who regularly go missing. The Independent

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Maternity units shamed but not named in first-time study

Maternity units shamed but not named in first-time study:
The best and worst maternity units in England are revealed today with the publication of the first figures comparing their performance. The Independent

See also

'Countering the biggest risk of all: attempting to govern uncertainty in healthcare management'

GGI launches an important new report for healthcare boards. The Good Governance Institute have just published a report, on using risk management to govern complex organisations such as hospitals and other healthcare bodies.