Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Legionnaires' outbreak 'has peaked', says health secretary

Legionnaires' outbreak 'has peaked', says health secretary: There have been no new cases of Legionnaires’ disease in the outbreak which has claimed two lives, health chiefs in Scotland have said. HSJ

Personal health budget pilots: fifth interim evaluation report

Personal health budget pilots: fifth interim evaluation report:
The fifth interim independent evaluation report about the personal health budget pilot programme has been published by the personal health budgets evaluation (PHBE) team. The report, Personal health budgets evaluation: Experiences and outcomes for budget holders at nine months (PDF, 402K), is based on interviews with 52 budget holders and 13 carers in the pilot.
These interviews suggest there is widespread potential for personal health budgets to lead to improvements in health and wellbeing. The majority of people with a personal health budget benefited through both improved health outcomes and increased satisfaction levels. Increased self-confidence, reduced use of GP services and prescriptions and better relationships with health professionals were among the other reported benefits.
As budget holders’ health improved they reported:
  • needing to rely less on family carers
  • less anxiety and stress on the part of relatives
  • increased ability to take part in family activities
Carers also reported direct benefits when personal health budgets reduced the amount of care they had to give and indirect benefits from seeing improvements in the wellbeing of the person they supported.
As with the fourth interim report on the pilot published in October 2011, this report highlights that the role of information, advice and support is vitally important. The report identifies some challenges, and work continues to explore these in more detail, to develop methods to overcome them and help the NHS to deliver personal health budgets in the longer term. Department of Health

Choose and Book use drops further

Choose and Book use drops further: National Choose and Book usage has dropped below 50% and is just 25% in some areas. EHI News

Bulletin for proposed CCGs June 2012

Bulletin for proposed CCGs June 2012: Source: NHS Commissioning Board

The June edition of the Bulletin for proposed Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) covers the following topics:
. New web tool signposts learning and development opportunities
. Initiative to help CCGs with commissioning support decisions
. CCG remuneration guidance
. Running costs allowances update
. Authorisation 'surgeries' for waves two and three
. Key elements of authorisation process put in place
. The Functions of Clinical Commissioning Groups published
. Next steps for communications and engagement services

Updated factsheet on Health and Social Care Act

Updated factsheet on Health and Social Care Act: Source: Department of Health (DH)

The Department of Health has published a series of factsheets on the Health and Social Care Act 2012, updated to reflect the changes made during the Act's Parliamentary passage. They explain particular topics contained in the Act, including its key themes and include case studies of the policy in action, or answer frequently asked questions about the topic.
The topics covered are as follows:
. Overview
. Case for change
. Overview of health and care structures
. Scrutiny and improvements
. Clinically-led commissioning
. Provider regulation to support innovative and efficient services
. Greater voice for patients
. New focus for public health
. Greater accountabilty locally and nationally
. Streamlined arm's length bodies
. Support worker regulation
. Improving quality of care
. Tackling inequalities in healthcare
. Promoting better ...

New CCG learning and support tool

New CCG learning and support tool: Source: NHS Commissioning Board

A new Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) learning and support web tool has been published to support CCGs as they prepare for authorisation, the clinical leadership of commissioning and their development beyond authorisation. It provides access to the development resources that meet current learning needs and which every proposed CCG can expect to be able to access during 2012-13.

Continuing professional development: guidance for all doctors

Continuing professional development: guidance for all doctors:
This guidance was published to help doctors across the UK keep their knowledge and skills up to date throughout their working life. It is aimed at helping doctors as they reflect on their practice, prepare for their annual appraisal, and ultimately for their revalidation. It was developed in co-operation with doctors, medical Royal Colleges, employers, patients and the public, following widespread public consultation earlier this year and emphasises that doctors must take account of the needs of their patients and their healthcare teams when considering the learning they may need to undertake.
Kings Fund

Poly implant Prothese (PiP) breast implants: final report of the Expert Group

Poly implant Prothese (PiP) breast implants: final report of the Expert Group:
The NHS Medical Director’s Expert Group has been collecting and reviewing all available data including estimated rupture rates, data on clinical findings when implants are removed, and further examination of the chemical make up of PiP silicone gel. The expert group has studied information on 240,000 implants of different makes used throughout England which have been given to 130,000 women, along with detailed findings from 5,600 removal operations.
Kings Fund

Warning issued over fake thermometers

Warning issued over fake thermometers:

The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency have warned parents that fake digital thermometers are being sold on the internet.The MHRA said people should be aware that the fake thermometers, which are on sale for very low prices, could give incorrect temperature readings and be dangerous.The agency said it had seized over 400 digital thermometers - some of which were being sold for 99p... Healthcare Today

Monitor publishes new report on costing

Monitor publishes new report on costing: Monitor has today published an independent report, Strategic Options for Costing, which it commissioned from PwC. The focus of this report is on the costing information that underpins the current Payment by Results (PbR) system.