Pictures show new £12 million building to reduce waiting times at Northampton's A&E A new assessment unit will open next week to relieve pressure off the NGH A&E department and allow medics to assess patients quickly in a different facility without needing to admit them as in-patients.
The Nye Bevan Building Emergency Assessment Unit, named in honour of the architect of the NHS, is a £12 million investment by NGH providing 60 beds, a mix of small wards and individual rooms including dedicated rooms for vulnerable patients who might need end-of-life care or who are suffering from infection. Northampton Chronicle and Echo
The Nye Bevan Building Emergency Assessment Unit, named in honour of the architect of the NHS, is a £12 million investment by NGH providing 60 beds, a mix of small wards and individual rooms including dedicated rooms for vulnerable patients who might need end-of-life care or who are suffering from infection. Northampton Chronicle and Echo