Thursday, 28 March 2013

Clinicalskills.Net trial last few days

Clinicalskills.Net trial last few days:
There is still time for you to have a look at the Clinicalskills.Net package and give us your feedback. Staff in NHFT can find the details on the Hub and staff at NGH on the Street.

We really would like to know what you think to help us decided on whether we should subscribe. The trial runs until the 31st of March.

Patients warned not to use A&E unless it is an emergency - Northampton Herald and Post

Patients warned not to use A&E unless it is an emergency - Northampton Herald and Post:

Northampton Herald and Post

Patients warned not to use A&E unless it is an emergency
Northampton Herald and Post
Corby Urgent Care Centre is open 8am-8pm every day of the year. Willowbrook Health Complex, Cottingham Road, Corby NN17 2UR. Northampton General Hospital Minor Emergencies is open at the same time as A&E - 24 hours, 7 days a week. < Back ...

Childhood diabetes campaign launched - Northampton Chronicle & Echo

Childhood diabetes campaign launched - Northampton Chronicle & Echo:

Northampton Chronicle & Echo

Childhood diabetes campaign launched
Northampton Chronicle & Echo
Parents are being warned to look out for the symptoms of type 1 diabetes after a significant increase in the amount of children with the condition being diagnosed at Northampton General Hospital. Latest figures show paediatric doctors at the hospital ...

Why do we need a duty of candour?

Why do we need a duty of candour?: In the light of the Government's response to the Francis Inquiry, Elaine Maxwell welcomes the commitment to introduce a statutory duty of candour but has concerns about how this will work in practice. The Health Foundation

Smoking by mentally ill 'ignored'

Smoking by mentally ill 'ignored': The NHS is not doing enough to help people with mental health conditions quit smoking, an influential group of doctors has warned. BBC News

NHS boss told of 111 line 'concerns'

NHS boss told of 111 line 'concerns': Doctors' leaders write to NHS bosses urging a delay in the launch in England of a new non-emergency telephone advice line after problems during trials. BBC News

New pay circular issued for Agenda for Change staff

New pay circular issued for Agenda for Change staff: The NHS Employers organisation has published a new pay circular and updated terms and conditions handbook for staff on Agenda for Change contracts.

Act will force CCGs into expensive tendering

Health profiles for England

Health profiles for England: These profiles give an overview of health for each local authority in England to help improve local people’s health and reduce inequality. They are designed to help local government and health services understand health in their areas and discuss how to tackle issues. They highlight potential problems and opportunities by making comparisons with other areas and with the national average.

Use of the name 'NHS England' by the NHS Commissioning Board (NHS CB)

Use of the name 'NHS England' by the NHS Commissioning Board (NHS CB): From today the NHS Commissioning Board will change its name to NHS England. The main aim of NHS England is to improve the health outcomes for people in England. It will set the overall direction and priorities for the NHS as a whole. Chairman Malcolm Grant said: “The name ‘NHS England’ gives people a greater sense of what the organisation is because it is more closely aligned to the responsibilities of the new organisation, which are to achieve real improvements for patients for every pound invested by the nation in the NHS”.

10 priorities for commissioners from April

10 priorities for commissioners from April: Tasks at the top of the in-tray for organisations taking control next week HSJ

New guidelines on child antisocial behaviour

New guidelines on child antisocial behaviour: BBC News is reporting that there is a new ‘Guide to help parents to spot 'problem behaviour’’, while The Daily Telegraph claims that ‘More than one million parents could be offered state-funded lessons in how to play with their children under NHS guidelines’.
Both reports are based on new guidelines, published today by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), into a condition known as conduct disorder.

NHS watchdog 'approved failing hospitals'

NHS watchdog 'approved failing hospitals': A whistleblower has accused the NHS watchdog of registering failing hospitals as safe in order to avoid exposing scandals similar to Mid Staffordshire. The Daily Telegraph

See also:

Care homes locking up old people to make life easier for staff

Care homes locking up old people to make life easier for staff: Care homes are routinely locking up elderly people in order to make life easier for their staff, an investigation has found. The Daily Telegraph

Regional variation in hospital admission rates for long term conditions

Regional variation in hospital admission rates for long term conditions: March 27, 2013: Hospital admission rates for patients with long term conditions differ markedly across the country, new analysis from the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) shows today.