Wednesday, 16 June 2021

"Disappointed, but not surprised" is Northamptonshire health chief's view on 'Freedom Day' delay

"Disappointed, but not surprised" is Northamptonshire health chief's view on 'Freedom Day' delay Northamptonshire's health chief says she is "disappointed, but not surprised" by the delay in easing Covid-19 restrictions. Northamptonshire Telegraph 

A call to action on ethnic health inequalities: how can the NHS accelerate change?

A call to action on ethnic health inequalities: how can the NHS accelerate change? Black women die during pregnancy or in the year after at a rate four times higher than white women. This is just one example of the health inequalities experienced by people from minority ethnic groups. 

Understanding and addressing these inequalities – which are complex and have multiple overlapping causes – has (on paper at least) been a focus for the NHS for some time. The King's Fund 

Investigation into NHS-funded fertility care for female same-sex couples

Investigation into NHS-funded fertility care for female same-sex couples BPAS Fertility releases the results of an investigation into NHS-funded fertility care for female same-sex couples, highlighting the additional, hidden financial burdens they face.

Fertility services in the UK, including in vitro fertilisation (IVF), are provided by a mixture of NHS and private services. 

NHS-funded care is commonly given to heterosexual couples once they can demonstrate they have tried to conceive naturally for 2-3 years. However, female same-sex couples are required to establish their “fertility status” by self-funding several rounds of artificial insemination (AI) privately, at considerable cost.

See also:

Guidance for the transfer and remission of adult prisoners and immigration removal centre detainees under the Mental Health Act 1983

Guidance for the transfer and remission of adult prisoners and immigration removal centre detainees under the Mental Health Act 1983 These good practice guidance documents set out the process for transferring and remitting patients in England to and from prisons, immigration removal centres and mental health, learning disability and/or autism inpatient services. They outline the timeframe for completing the assessment, transfer and remission of individuals detained under the Mental Health Act to and from mental health, learning disability and/or autism services and replace the Department of Health’s Good practice procedure guide 2011. The accompanying consultation report sets out the engagement activity which has helped to inform these guidance documents. NHS England and NHS Improvement 

    Patients with type 1 diabetes to get artificial pancreas on the NHS

    Patients with type 1 diabetes to get artificial pancreas on the NHS An ‘artificial pancreas’ designed to revolutionise the life of people with Type 1 diabetes will be provided by the NHS, 100 years after the discovery of insulin, health service chief executive Sir Simon Stevens announced. NHS England 

    More than 30 million people vaccinated with second dose

    More than 30 million people vaccinated with second dose More than 30 million people in the UK have received a second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, the latest figures published today (15 June) show, as the vaccination programme continues at unprecedented pace and scale. Department of Health and Social Care

    Another life-saving Covid treatment found

    Another life-saving Covid treatment found Exactly a year on from the discovery that a cheap steroid drug prevented Covid deaths, researchers say they have found another life-saving therapy.

    It is expensive - a potent intravenous infusion of antibodies to neutralise the virus, rather than dampen the body's inflammatory response to it.

    Results from the Recovery trial suggest it could help one in three of those in hospital with severe Covid. BBC News

    See also:

    Mental health patients turned away by NHS under controversial scheme

    Mental health patients turned away by NHS under controversial scheme NHS whistleblower says that he had to refuse care to a woman who attempted suicide on multiple occasions, because of rules adopted by mental health trusts. iNews 

    Care watchdog downgrades two more NHS maternity units over safety concerns

    Care watchdog downgrades two more NHS maternity units over safety concerns Maternity services at two hospitals run by the same NHS trust have both been downgraded by the care watchdog after whistleblowers raised the alarm over unsafe staffing levels and a poor culture. The Independent 

    'Menopause revolution': England must make hormone replacement therapy free of NHS charges, MPs say

    'Menopause revolution': England must make hormone replacement therapy free of NHS charges, MPs say  England must “follow the lead” of Scotland and Wales and make Hormone Replacement Therapy exempt from NHS prescription charges, MPs have warned.

    The majority of the 3.4 million women between 50 and 64 in the UK will be experiencing symptoms of the menopause – with these ranging from heart palpitations to hot flushes, vaginal pain, anxiety and depression. The Independent

    Adult social care services face ‘deluge’ of requests for support

    Adult social care services face ‘deluge’ of requests for support Adult social care services are facing a “deluge” of requests for support from vulnerable and older people as society starts to open up after the pandemic, according to council care chiefs in England.

    There has been a big increase in people needing help after their condition deteriorated while waiting to be admitted to hospital for treatment, as well as a surge in those needing support after being discharged from hospital. The Guardian