Tuesday, 17 October 2017

NHS faces 'ticking time bomb' from teens' unhealthy habits

NHS faces 'ticking time bomb' from teens' unhealthy habits Poor diet, smoking and inactivity to blame, finds a study on UK's 10-24 year olds. One in 5 secondary school children are obese. Late teen years is the peak age for exposure to health risks with lifelong effects. Mail Online

Babies missing out on basic checks as number of health visitors plunges

Babies missing out on basic checks as number of health visitors plunges

Babies are missing out on basic checks as a result of plunging numbers of health visitors, Labour has claimed.

New figures show the number of health visitors has fallen by 900 in a year, with almost 10 per cent fewer staff in post. The Telegraph

Midwife shortages blamed for home births falling to 15-year low

Midwife shortages blamed for home births falling to 15-year low Only one in 50 babies born at home in 2016, raising concerns that women in England and Wales are not given range of choices. The Guardian

NHS data loss scandal deepens with further 162,000 files missing

NHS data loss scandal deepens with further 162,000 files missing Revelation that further documents are missing was made at inquiry into disappearance of original 702,000 pieces of paperwork

The scandal over the biggest ever loss of NHS medical correspondence has deepened with the revelation that a further 162,000 documents went missing, on top of the 702,000 pieces of paperwork already known to have gone astray. The Guardian

New guidance on dementia-friendly dentistry

New guidance on dementia-friendly dentistry The Faculty of General Dental Practice UK has published new guidance on the practice of dentistry for patients with dementia. NHS Networks

Commissioning mental health services in primary care

Commissioning mental health services in primary care A report by NHS Clinical Commissioners showcases programmes that are embedding mental health services in primary care and draws out advice from the commissioners and practitioners involved in their development and delivery. NHS Networks

Clinical radiology: UK workforce census 2016 report

Clinical radiology: UK workforce census 2016 report This report argues that the ongoing shortage of imaging doctors will result in late hospital diagnoses and delayed scan results for patients. NHS Networks

Engaging staff to improve quality case study

Engaging staff to improve quality case study Read our new case study on how Sheffield Teaching Hospitals has used staff engagement as part of its quality improvement programme. NHS Employers

Maintaining reciprocal healthcare for patients after Brexit

Maintaining reciprocal healthcare for patients after Brexit This briefing considers a post-Brexit scenario in which reciprocal health care arrangements no longer exist and estimates the cost of this at £500 million a year. It warns that travel insurance could become unaffordable for British citizens with pre-existing health conditions and that additional pressure could be placed on an already stretched health service if British people abroad could no longer access reciprocal healthcare. The King's Fund

'I felt so low, I couldn't see a way out'

'I felt so low, I couldn't see a way out' A record number of children seek help from Childline over suicidal thoughts and feelings. BBC News

Share of European Union staff leaving NHS rises following Brexit - BBC News

Share of European Union staff leaving NHS rises following Brexit - BBC News The proportion of EU nationals leaving jobs in the NHS is rising, while the share of those joining is shrinking. The BBC analysed NHS Digital figures, which showed the trend in England over the past two-and-a-half years. BBC News

Equality In Mental Health - From Intention To Action - HuffPost UK

Equality In Mental Health - From Intention To Action - HuffPost UK 
Last week, the government announced plans to develop a campaign to train one million people in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) skills. This follows on from an announcement of a review into the Mental Health Act - official figures show that 63,622 people were detained under the Act in 2015-16, which is almost 50 per cent higher than the figure 10 years previously. Huffington Post

Patients included? Twitter impact at health care conferences

Patients included? Twitter impact at health care conferences 
As patients increasingly self-manage health conditions and public involvement in research becomes prevalent, the value equation is flipped and instead of healthcare asking: how can we serve our patients?; healthcare, researchers and social scientists ask: what are patients doing for us? (Staley, 2015). 
The Guardian