Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Disabled people 'feel hostility'

Disabled people 'feel hostility': A survey by the charity Scope suggests many disabled people feel media coverage about benefit cheats has a negative impact on them. BBC News

A&E quality indicators for England by provider, March 2012

A&E quality indicators for England by provider, March 2012: This data covers A&E attendances in March 2012 and draws on 1.53m detailed records of attendances at major A&E departments, single speciality A&E departments (eg dental A&Es), minor injury units and walk-in centres in England. NHS Information Centre

Diabetic foot care 'appalling'

Diabetic foot care 'appalling': Patients with diabetes are at increased risk of having a foot amputated because of an "appalling" lack of specialist services, according to Diabetes UK. BBC News

Viewpoint: GPs at the heart of health and social care integration

Viewpoint: GPs at the heart of health and social care integration: Dr Lisa Bostock, from the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), writes about the work that professionals are doing to generate health and social care integration. GP Online

NIHR publishes 2012 league table on NHS Trust research activity

NIHR publishes 2012 league table on NHS Trust research activity: The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), Clinical Research Network has published its 2012 league table, showing the extent of clinical research activity across the NHS in England. It details the number of studies undertaken by each individual Trust, and the number of patients they recruit into those studies. It also shows who is leading the way in delivering clinical research opportunities for patients and which Trusts have made a significant step-change in their research activity. National Institute for Health Research

Ensuring education reform enhances patient outcome: providers' planning and driving a workforce budget of £5bn

Ensuring education reform enhances patient outcome: providers' planning and driving a workforce budget of £5bn:
This briefing looks at how the creation of Health Education England and Local Education and Training Boards provides the opportunity for employers to ensure that the £5 billion annual national investment in education and training delivers the best possible patient outcome.

Pay framework for very senior managers in strategic and SHAs, PCTs and ambulance trusts

Pay framework for very senior managers in strategic and SHAs, PCTs and ambulance trusts:
This framework has been updated to include the pay rates in the clustered SHAs.

Gaps in TB screening in the UK

Gaps in TB screening in the UK:

Experts fear that people most at risk of developing tuberculosis are not being screened in some parts of the UK.
As latest statistics show a rise in new cases of TB, there are growing concerns the national programme for high-risk groups is not being implemented in areas with the highest incidence.Professor Ibrahim Abubakar, head of the TB section at the Health Protection Agency (HPA), said guidance from the... Healthcare Today

Bankruptcy and criminal record may be no bar to top NHS roles - The Guardian

Bankruptcy and criminal record may be no bar to top NHS roles - The Guardian:

The Guardian
Bankruptcy and criminal record may be no bar to top NHS roles
The Guardian
Officials said that while the requirement could not be "relaxed" for foundation trusts without primary legislation Monitor believes that other healthcare providers – such as mental health trusts or private companies – should not have to meet the same ...
Monitor drops controversial credit rating planHealth Service Journal

all 4 news articles »

Care Quality Commission critic can stay on board, rules Andrew Lansley

Care Quality Commission critic can stay on board, rules Andrew Lansley:
Kay Sheldon said executives put personal survival above interests of Stafford hospital patients
The director of the health regulator who appeared last year at a public inquiry criticising its chief executive and chair will remain on the board, it has been confirmed. Kay Sheldon told the Francis inquiry into regulatory failure over death rates at Stafford hospital, part of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust, that Care Quality Commission executives put "reputation management and personal survival" ahead of patients' best interests, and that she had been rebuffed when she raised this internally.
On the day she gave evidence, the commission's chair, Dame Jo Williams, wrote to Andrew Lansley asking the health secretary to remove Sheldon. Last week Lansley wrote to Sheldon saying he had decided she could stay as a "full and active" non-executive board member. Sheldon said she was "looking forward to the next board meeting in September".
Lansley's decision raises a question over how long Williams can stay on the commission's board. The CQC has had a difficult year. It came under fire not only in the Francis inquiry but also from MPs and an internal Department of Health review. In February the commission's chief executive, Cynthia Bower, resigned after the health department published a damning assessment of the CQC, supporting many of Sheldon's concerns. The new chief executive, David Behan, the former director general for social care at the Department of Health, began work earlier this month. The Guardian

Doctors 'not telling patients benefits of exercise'

Doctors 'not telling patients benefits of exercise': Doctors are failing to advise patients on the benefits of exercise because its teaching is "sparse or non-existent" in medical schools, specialists warn today. The Daily Telegraph

Three-fold variation in number of patients GPs send for cancer tests: figures

Three-fold variation in number of patients GPs send for cancer tests: figures: Thousands of cancer patients may be treated too late because some GPs are three times less likely to refer them to a specialist, official figures have revealed for the first time.The Daily Telegraph