Wednesday, 26 June 2013

MP to raise concerns over hospital’s A&E

MP to raise concerns over hospital’s A&E: An MP will use a special debate in Parliament on Wednesday (June 26) to highlight problems with the accident and emergency department at Kettering hospital. Northamptonshire Telegraph

Calling for return of a 'vital' service to Danetre Hospital - Daventry Express

Daventry Express
Calling for return of a 'vital' service to Danetre Hospital
Daventry Express
“The service was transferred to Northamptonshire Healthcare Foundation Trust along with NHS Northamptonshire (the former primary care trust). When the ... “In its review of services the PCT noted that the service specification for cardiac ...

Bullying 'creates toxic NHS culture'

Bullying 'creates toxic NHS culture': A culture of bullying and secrecy has created a "toxic working environment" in the NHS, doctors say. BBC News

EU heart deaths 'halved since 1980s'

EU heart deaths 'halved since 1980s': Death rates from coronary heart disease have more than halved in almost all EU countries since the early 1980s, according to research. BBC News

National health and wellbeing report published

National health and wellbeing report published: The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has published a report on the health and wellbeing of people across the UK, based on the UK Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS) of 2010/11. NHS Employers

Massive fall in infections in intensive care units

Doubt cast on government claims for talking therapies programme

New mental health commissioning guides from JCPMH

New mental health commissioning guides from JCPMH: Those lovely people at the Joint Commissioning Panel for Mental Health (JCP-MH) have published four new guides to help those of you involved in commissioning community specialist services, older people’s services, inpatient and crisis home treatment and services for people with learning disabilities. These guides are short (around 20 pages), readable and nicely summarised with ten [read the full story...] The Mental Elf

Letter to trusts on respecting the privacy and dignity of women on postnatal wards

Letter to trusts on respecting the privacy and dignity of women on postnatal wards: Health Minister Dr Daniel Poulter’s letter to chief executives of NHS trusts, NHS foundation trusts and heads of midwifery asks them to
review practices for allowing representatives from private companies on maternity wards to ensure that women’s dignity and respect shortly after the birth of a baby is maintained.

Palliative and end of life care for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups in the UK

Palliative and end of life care for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups in the UK: This Public Health England-commissioned report highlights the growing need to make end of life care more accessible and appropriate for minority ethnic groups. It highlights that the end of life care needs of BAME communities are varied, growing, and despite examples of good practice, overall not adequately met. It recommends that service
providers and commissioners recognise the growing need for improved end of life care for BAME communities and that they learn from examples of best practice, some of which are highlighted in the report.

A&E crisis: 'emergency medicine has become the first port of call'

A&E crisis: 'emergency medicine has become the first port of call': A day at Bradford Royal Infirmary reveals a stretched service – and staff say too many patients are turning up unnecessarily.

Sir David Nicholson criticises public and press over portrayal of NHS care scandals

Sir David Nicholson criticises public and press over portrayal of NHS care scandals: The head of the NHS has criticised the public and press for showing a "lack of balance" in their portrayal of patient care scandals which have led to the deaths of hundreds of people. The Daily Telegraph

Sir Gerry Robinson: Tesco could really teach the NHS a thing or two

Sir Gerry Robinson: Tesco could really teach the NHS a thing or two: Gerry Robinson, who presented a BBC series on how to fix the health service, says doctors must face up to the future. The Daily Telegraph

NHS cash-for-access: Government calls for review of practices on maternity wards

NHS cash-for-access: Government calls for review of practices on maternity wards: The Government has called on all NHS trusts to review their practices of allowing commercial representatives on post-natal wards. The Daily Telegraph

New service for GP payments to launch

New service for GP payments to launch: 25 June, 2013: An improved service for calculating payments for GP practices across England will go live nationally this week after successful Early Adopter testing in four areas. Health & Social Care Information Centre