Friday, 19 October 2012

Leaked report into KGH shake-up

Leaked report into KGH shake-up:
Leaked documents created to show possible scenarios for the future provision of services at hospitals in the region have revealed the top option was that Kettering Hospital would lose 515 of its 658 beds. Evening Telegraph

Hospital cuts hundreds of jobs... then hires nurses from abroad
They have been holding recruitment fairs abroad, with Northampton General Hospital Trust bringing 25 Portuguese nurses to the UK to tend its patients, while 16 more will arrive next month from Ireland. The international hiring drive came after the ...

We should be celebrating increased life expectancy

We should be celebrating increased life expectancy: We should be celebrating increased life expectancy, but instead we seem to worry that the increased number of elderly patients will destroy healthcare, says Simon Mackenzie. Health Foundation

NHS changes 'risk to sexual healthcare'

NHS changes 'risk to sexual healthcare': Experts warn the NHS reorganisation could harm services BBC News

Doctors facing new era of checks

Doctors facing new era of checks: Five-yearly revalidation of doctors' skills will start from December, heralding the biggest shake-up in medical regulation for more than 150 years. BBC News

See also Department of Health

Next six months will be 'incredibly hazardous' for NHS, commissioning chief warns

Next six months will be 'incredibly hazardous' for NHS, commissioning chief warns: The next six months will be 'incredibly hazardous' for the NHS in England, the head of two Commissioning Support Units (CSUs) has warned. GP Online

Fifth of women still miss cervical screen

The importance of influenza vaccination for nurses and midwives

The importance of influenza vaccination for nurses and midwives: This open letter to nurses and midwives stresses the vital role that
nurses and midwives can play in ensuring that frontline staff are
vaccinated. It has been estimated that up to 1 in 4 healthcare workers
may become infected with influenza during a mild influenza season; staff
who have the vaccination will reduce the risk of passing on the virus
to vulnerable pregnant women.

Engage toolkit for black and minority ethnic (BME) family carers

Engage toolkit for black and minority ethnic (BME) family carers: This toolkit toolkit is a resource to address barriers BME family carers face when accessing services. It is available to practitioners and a wide range of organisations who work in adult and children services. It will provide practical support and opportunities for joint
working between community groups, multi-agencies and the families themselves to ensure family carers are given the best practical support available. As a live toolkit, the website will share resources of events, community projects and appropriate policy and practice when working with BME family carers.

'Chemical cosh' drugs given to 50pc more dementia patients than thought

'Chemical cosh' drugs given to 50pc more dementia patients than thought: 'Chemical cosh' drugs are being given to about 50 per cent more people with dementia than an official estimate had suggested, according to a new study. The Daily Telegraph

Anger at cost of NHS reforms

Anger at cost of NHS reforms: The NHS reforms will cost £300m more than expected, the Government has admitted. The Independent

Monitor urges the NHS foundation trust sector to deliver hospital cost savings earlier

Monitor urges the NHS foundation trust sector to deliver hospital cost savings earlier: The regulator Monitor is urging NHS foundation trusts to start delivering hospital cost savings earlier in the year in order to reduce their exposure to financial risk. The advice comes in the latest quarterly report on the health of the foundation trust sector, which now comprises two-thirds of all NHS secondary care providers running about 1,000 hospitals.