Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Teamwork praised at Northampton General Hospital in CQC inpatient survey

Teamwork praised at Northampton General Hospital in CQC inpatient survey Patients staying overnight in Northampton General Hospital have rated the hospital 7.9 out of 10 for their experience of care.

The inpatient survey, which took place in July 2018, asked nearly 500 Northampton patients who had recently stay overnight to score the hospital over their experiences. Northampton Chronicle and Echo

Pregnant smokers warned of ‘potentially deadly risks’

Pregnant smokers warned of ‘potentially deadly risks’More than 61,000 women still smoking last year at time they gave birth, NHS England says

Women who smoke during pregnancy are endangering themselves and their baby, NHS England has warned, as figures show more than one in 10 continue to use cigarettes.

The trend in pregnant women and the stubbornly higher rates of smoking among the least affluent groups in society trouble experts, even though the latest data shows the overall smoking rate is at an all-time low. The Guardian

NHS must take urgent steps to defend against hackers, says White Paper | Imperial News - Imperial College London

NHS must take urgent steps to defend against hackers, says White Paper | Imperial News - Imperial College London SAFE SPACE - The NHS remains vulnerable to cyber-attack, and must take urgent steps to defend against threats which could risk the safety of patients. Imperial College London

See Also:

Advisory council set up to make the most of an ageing society

Advisory council set up to make the most of an ageing society A new council of specialists from across society, the UK Longevity Council, will advise how best to use innovations in technology, products and services to improve the lives of our ageing population. NHS Networks

Obesity 'causes more cases of some cancers than smoking'

Obesity 'causes more cases of some cancers than smoking' Obesity now causes more cases of four common cancers in the UK than smoking, according to a charity.

Cancer Research UK says bowel, kidney, ovarian and liver cancers are more likely to have been caused by being overweight than by smoking tobacco. BBC News - Health

See Also:

Facebook announces crackdown on misleading health content

Facebook announces crackdown on misleading health content Facebook is cracking down on posts pushing miracle cures, misleading health claims and weight-loss pills.

The social media giant announced yesterday that it is altering its algorithm to suppress such "sensational" content in users news feeds.

The move comes as Facebook faces mounting pressure in the UK and abroad to stop the spread of damaging health conspiracies on its site. The Telegraph

Obesity 'causes more cases of some cancers than smoking'

Obesity 'causes more cases of some cancers than smoking' Obesity now causes more cases of four common cancers in the UK than smoking, according to a charity.

Cancer Research UK says bowel, kidney, ovarian and liver cancers are more likely to have been caused by being overweight than by smoking tobacco.

It says millions are at risk of cancer because of their weight and that obese people outnumber smokers two to one. BBC News - Health

See Also:

Personalised care for veterans - guidance for CCGs and councils

Personalised care for veterans - guidance for CCGs and councils NHS England has set out details of a new personalised care approach for those veterans who have a long-term physical, mental or neurological health condition or disability. NHS Networks

The role of the GP in caring for gender-questioning and transgender patients

The role of the GP in caring for gender-questioning and transgender patients This paper provides an overview of the key issues facing gender-questioning and transgender patients, general practice and the broader health system. It establishes the RCGP’s position on the role of a GP in providing care to patients experiencing gender dysphoria, the policy principles underpinning this position and recommendations for ensuring these patients receive equal access to the highest standard of care. King's Fund Health Management and Policy Alert

The NHS Patient Safety Strategy

The NHS Patient Safety Strategy Patient safety is about maximising the things that go right and minimising the things that go wrong. It is integral to the NHS’ definition of quality in healthcare, alongside effectiveness and patient experience.

This strategy sets out what the NHS will do to achieve its vision to continuously improve patient safety. NHS Improvement


Dementia This updated NICE quality standard, (QS184) covers preventing dementia, and assessment, management and health and social care support for people with dementia. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement. King's Fund Health Management Alert

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Five year plan for MSK health

Five year plan for MSK health Public Health England has published a five-year plan to improve musculoskeletal health with an emphasis on prevention. NHS Networks