Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Improving equity in healthcare through innovation

Improving equity in healthcare through innovation Where we see more spending as the solution to inequity in healthcare in the UK, in India this is not an option. Improving equity comes down to innovating in their service delivery model and relentlessly removing waste, says Jo Bibby. The Health Foundation

Care inspector could secretly film

Care inspector could secretly film Hidden cameras and mystery-shopper exercises may form part of a revamped inspection regime for care homes and domiciliary care in England next year. BBC News

Over-50s osteoporosis scale revealed

Over-50s osteoporosis scale revealed Bone fractures caused by osteoporosis occur once every two minutes in the UK among the over-50s, figures reveal. BBC News

Air pollution 'still harming health'

Air pollution 'still harming health' Some pollutants continue to pose a "significant threat" to European citizens' health and the environment, says a report by the European Environment Agency. BBC News

Adopt, improve or defend - An AID for QIPP

Adopt, improve or defend - An AID for QIPP This has been achieved through a three-stage process developed in collaboration with Right Care.
Savings of £18m were achieved in 2012-13 and potential savings of a similar magnitude have been identified for 2013-14. More .... 

Another CSU on the brink of extinction

Another CSU on the brink of extinction NHS Anglia Commissioning Support Unit is looking at options for merging with another CSU. E-Health Insider

GPs must step up care home support, says CQC

GPs must step up care home support, says CQC GPs must improve support for patients in care homes to cut inappropriate hospital admissions, according to the chief executive of the CQC. GP Online

Improving diagnosis

Improving diagnosis This report found that over a third of young people with cancer (37%) are diagnosed through admission to accident and emergency. This is nearly three times the number of adults diagnosed in this way (13%)1. Of these young people, over a quarter (26%) had already been to see their GP with cancer symptoms. It also highlights that diagnosis through A&E is associated with poorer prognosis and poorer care experience. Teenage Cancer Trust

ICTs and the health sector

ICTs and the health sector "This book examines the whole new world of possibilities in using mobiles and the Internet to address healthcare challenges." OECD

NHS faces biggest challenge in its 65 year existence

NHS faces biggest challenge in its 65 year existence Shake-up essential if NHS to remain free for all OnMedica

Hepatitis C Trust says strategy urgent as related liver disease on the rise

Hepatitis C Trust says strategy urgent as related liver disease on the rise Only 3% of people with hepatitis C are treated each year, yet government is dragging its heels on strategy, says trust.

Talks begin over doctors' contracts

Talks begin over doctors' contracts Ministers are set for a clash with doctors' union leaders over the proposed introduction of seven-day working as talks on new contracts begin today.The Daily Telegraph

It was free press that exposed Liverpool Care Pathway failings, says leading medic

It was free press that exposed Liverpool Care Pathway failings, says leading medic The failings of the controversial Liverpool Care Pathway would not have been exposed had it not been for the press, a leading medical figure has claimed. The Daily Telegraph