Thursday, 10 May 2012

The colour of money: Dilnot and the social care White Paper | Richard Humphries

The colour of money: Dilnot and the social care White Paper | Richard Humphries: It is the final piece of the jigsaw – Andrew Dilnot's report on how care is funded – that was always going to be the trickiest to lever into place. (Blog, 9 May 2012) Kings Fund

'He's gonna walk?!’ Some lessons from US healthcare

'He's gonna walk?!’ Some lessons from US healthcare: Are there lessons from the US for how we might make out of hospital care more affordable and accessible, with the right safeguards? Could we be more open to innovation in the possible models of care we offer without losing the integration we so value? Stephen Thornton blogs following a trip to the US. Health Foundation

Transforming social care for the poorest older people

Transforming social care for the poorest older people:
This report urges that steps should be taken to change the social care system for Britain’s neediest old people in advance of the government’s response to the Dilnot inquiry. NHS Networks

AUDIO: Should the NHS risk register be public?

AUDIO: Should the NHS risk register be public?: The government has again defied an order to make public its own assessment of the risks from its massive changes to the NHS. The Labour MP John Healey and Health minister Lord Howe, discuss the issue. BBC News

Chronic disease: NHS 'can't cope'

Chronic disease: NHS 'can't cope': The UK's health system needs "radical change" to cope with the rising number of people with chronic conditions, especially in deprived areas, says a report by medical experts. BBC News

General practice 'unsustainable' as consultations predicted to double by 2035

General practice 'unsustainable' as consultations predicted to double by 2035: The current model of general practice is 'unsustainable' because the annual number of GP consultations will double by 2035 as people live longer, consultants have warned. GP Online

Facebook and Twitter liked for health

Facebook and Twitter liked for health: One in three people are now using social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter for health related issues according to a study by management consultants PricewaterhouseCoopers. E-Health Insider

Falls prevention: new approaches to integrated falls prevention services.

Falls prevention: new approaches to integrated falls prevention services.: This Briefing shares the learning and recommendations from a workshop for members held by the NHS Confederation and the Ambulance Service Network on falls prevention strategies for the older population. NHS Confederation

Transition programme risks: review of November 2010 risk register

Transition programme risks: review of November 2010 risk register:
The purpose of this document is to describe and explain the areas of risk contained in the Transition Risk Register of November 2010. Its release follows a review of the material contained in the Risk Register, carried out by the Department in April 2012, following the passage of the Health and Social Care Act. There are nine areas in total, covering subjects such as legislation, communications, people transition, finance and the management of the organisational changes.

Eastern Europeans fly home - to avoid NHS waiting lists

Eastern Europeans fly home - to avoid NHS waiting lists: Eastern European parents are resorting to flying back to home countries to take children to the doctor or dentist to avoid NHS waiting lists in Britain, a new study shows. The Daily Telegraph

The Queen's Speech: Adult care reforms delayed

The Queen's Speech: Adult care reforms delayed:
Elderly and disabled adults receiving care were promised more power to make decisions about the support they get in today's Queen's Speech. The Independent

Safeguarding in 2012: Views from the frontline

Safeguarding in 2012: Views from the frontline
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health