Tuesday, 21 October 2014

VIDEO: Work begins on building multi-million pound mental health facility in Northampton

VIDEO: Work begins on building multi-million pound mental health facility in Northampton  Work to build the largest mental health facility in Europe for young people in Northampton has begun. St Andrew's, yesterday began building its new residential building for young people. Northampton Chronicle and Echo

Corby health group shortlisted for top award

Corby health group shortlisted for top award Corby Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), which plans and pays for health services in the area, has been nominated for a top award. Northamptonshire Telegraph

Northampton radiographers strike against fourth year with no pay rise

Northampton radiographers strike against fourth year with no pay rise Radiographers from two departments at Northampton General Hospital took part in a four-hour strike today after being refused a pay rise for the fourth year running. Northampton Chronicle and Echo

Guidance: Cold weather plan for England 2014

Guidance: Cold weather plan for England 2014 The cold weather plan gives advice to the NHS and social care on preparing for the effects of winter weather on people’s health. Public Health England

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Latest NHS staff sickness absence figures released

Latest NHS staff sickness absence figures released NHS staff sickness absence has risen by 0.15 per cent in the year to June 2014.
The latest figures released by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) show an increase in overall sickness absence, rising to 3.95 per cent in June 2014 from 3.80 percent in June 2013. NHS Employers

Community pharmacy management of minor illness

Community pharmacy management of minor illness This report shows that common ailments such as coughs and sore throats cost the NHS an extra £1.1 billion a year when patients are treated at A&E or GP surgeries rather than at community pharmacies. Treatment results were equally good regardless of whether patients were treated at a pharmacy, A&E or GP practice. Overall, the study estimates that 3% of all A&E consultations and 5.5% of GP consultations for common ailments could be managed in community pharmacies. This equates to over 650,000 visits to A&E and over 18 million GP consultations every year that could be diverted with a total annual cost saving of over £1billion. Royal Pharmaceutical Society

The costs of perinatal mental health problems

The costs of perinatal mental health problems This report argues that perinatal mental health problems carry a total economic and social long-term cost to society of about £8.1 billion for each one-year cohort of births in the UK. It also finds that the NHS would need to spend just £337 million a year to bring perinatal mental health care up to the level recommended in national guidance. Centre for Mental Health

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Man walks again after transplant

Man walks again after transplant A paralysed man has been able to walk again after a pioneering therapy that involved transplanting specialist cells into his damaged spinal cord. BBC News

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More UK medics travel to Ebola area

More UK medics travel to Ebola area About 100 army medics are travelling to Sierra Leone as part of UK efforts to tackle the Ebola outbreak, as screening begins at Gatwick. BBC News

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NHS needs bigger budget rises to ward off perfect storm, says watchdog

NHS needs bigger budget rises to ward off perfect storm, says watchdog Regulator calls for annual multimillion-pound funding increases to tackle problems caused by ageing and population growth

The NHS must once again start receiving annual multimillion-pound increases in its budget to help it survive a perfect storm of pressures, the boss of the services economic regulator has warned.

The health service will struggle to cope with the ageing and growing population unless it goes back to getting above-inflation annual boosts to its funding, said Dr David BennettContinue reading... The Guardian

Exclusive: NHS hires foreign doctors to stave off winter crisis

Exclusive: NHS hires foreign doctors to stave off winter crisis Dozens of extra foreign doctors have been drafted in to help NHS hospitals head off a winter crisis, Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary, will announce today. The Independent

NHS hospital staff banned from drinking tea or coffee on the job because it looks like they're not working hard enough

NHS hospital staff banned from drinking tea or coffee on the job because it looks like they're not working hard enough Medics and other staff have been banned from drinking tea or coffee in public areas at three Leicester hospitals. The Independent

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