Monday, 7 October 2013

Ambulance service to feature in Channel 4 documentary

Ambulance service to feature in Channel 4 documentary East Midlands Ambulance Service, which serves the county, is to feature in a Channel 4 documentary series which starts on Monday, October 7. Northamptonshire Telegraph

'Flying' care visits 'disgraceful'

'Flying' care visits 'disgraceful' Short care visits mean disabled people must choose between staying thirsty or using the toilet, a charity warns, amid claims the practice is rising in England. BBC News

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Burham acts on "cover-up slurs"

Burham acts on "cover-up slurs" Shadow health secretary Andy Burnham will not accept "slurs on his character" from his Conservative counterpart Jeremy Hunt, a Labour spokesman has said. BBC News

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Union anger at health pay proposal

Union anger at health pay proposal Unions criticise government moves to halt a 1% pay rise for all NHS staff in England, arguing they deserve to be rewarded for holding the health service together. BBC News

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Decision expected on NPfIT exit costs

Decision expected on NPfIT exit costs Trusts are hoping for an announcement soon on whether they or central government will bear the cost of exiting National Programme for IT contracts. E-Health Insider

Walking an hour a day may help cut breast cancer risk

Walking an hour a day may help cut breast cancer risk “Women who walk for an hour a day can cut their chance of breast cancer by 14%,” The Guardian reports. A new study has found that even moderate regular exercise is associated with lower risk of cancer.
This US cancer prevention study involved over 73,000 postmenopausal women who were tracked for 17 years.

Plans for next year’s national tariff are set out

Plans for next year’s national tariff are set out Providers asked to make 4% annual efficiency savings. OnMedica

How to improve the way medical research is applied in frontline care

How to improve the way medical research is applied in frontline care Collaborations for leadership in applied health research aim to encourage staff in the NHS to adopt research-informed practices.

Surge in elderly abuse and neglect claims

Surge in elderly abuse and neglect claims The number of elderly and disabled people and their loved-ones raising the alarm about their treatment has jumped by more than a quarter in a year, according to official figures.The Daily Telegraph

Children who report abuse are often ignored, says NSPCC

Children who report abuse are often ignored, says NSPCC When children tell adults they are being abused, their confidants only take action in just over half of cases, according to a study by the NSPCC. Eight out of 10 abused under-18s tried to tell an adult, according to research based on interviews with 60 young adults. But adults acted in only 58 per cent of cases. The Independent

Number of A&E units missing Government targets trebles

Number of A&E units missing Government targets trebles

The number of A&E units missing targets has trebled in a year, as the Government was accused of presiding over an unprecedented “summer A&E crisis”. The Independent

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Unbranded cigarette packaging ‘is a deterrent’ - but the Government has no plans to introduce it

Unbranded cigarette packaging ‘is a deterrent’ - but the Government has no plans to introduce it

The Government has insisted it has no plans to introduce plain cigarette packaging, despite a major new study suggesting that the strategy is likely to deter young smokers. The Independent

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Women with severe mental illness face high risk of attack

Women with severe mental illness face high risk of attack Women with severe mental health problems are 10 times more likely to be attacked than the rest of the population, research published today has revealed. The Independent

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