Thursday, 20 April 2017

No-holds-barred documentary filmed in Northampton General Hospital to shine light on 'immense pressure' faced by junior doctors

NHS workforce race equality standard: 2016 data analysis report for NHS trusts

NHS workforce race equality standard: 2016 data analysis report for NHS trusts This report publishes data from providers of NHS-funded care, including the voluntary and private sector, to demonstrate how they are addressing equality issues. It includes data covering nine indicators including four relating to the workplace covering recruitment, promotion, career progression and staff development alongside BME board representation. The remaining four indicators are based on data from the NHS staff survey 2016, covering harassment, bullying or abuse from patients, relatives or the public. It shows a positive change in a range of areas including the number of nurses and midwives who have progressed from lower grades into senior positions; in BME representation at very senior management and executive board level; and a slight reduction in the reported experience of discrimination of BME staff from colleagues and managers. NHS England

New pensions infographic

New pensions infographic A new infographic shows there are many stages during an employee's career when it can be a good time to talk about the benefits of the NHS Pension Scheme NHS Employers

Productivity of the English NHS: 2014/15 update

Productivity of the English NHS: 2014/15 update This report updates the Centre for Health Economics’ time-series of NHS productivity growth. It finds that the rate of NHS productivity growth since 2004/5 compares favourably with that achieved by the economy as a whole. It suggests that increased NHS output has come about in response to pronounced increases in NHS expenditure which has funded both higher wages and more staff and resources.

Experts excited by brain 'wonder-drug'

Experts excited by brain 'wonder-drug' Scientists hope they have found a drug to stop all neurodegenerative brain diseases, including dementia.

In 2013, a UK Medical Research Council team stopped brain cells dying in an animal for the first time, creating headline news around the world.

But the compound used was unsuitable for people, as it caused organ damage.

Now two drugs have been found that should have the same protective effect on the brain and are already safely used in people.

"It's really exciting," said Prof Giovanna Mallucci, from the MRC Toxicology Unit in Leicester. BBC News

Cycling to work ‘could halve risk of cancer and heart disease’

Cycling to work ‘could halve risk of cancer and heart disease’ Commuters who swap their car or bus pass for a bike could cut their risk of developing heart disease and cancer by almost half, new research suggests – but campaigners have warned there is still an “urgent need” to improve road conditions for cyclists.

Cycling to work is linked to a lower risk of developing cancer by 45 per cent and cardiovascular disease by 46 per cent, according to a study of a quarter of a million people.

Walking to work also brought health benefits, the University of Glasgow researchers found, but not to the same degree as cycling. The Independent

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'I don't think anything can prepare you for seeing a patient die'

'I don't think anything can prepare you for seeing a patient die' Student nurses share their experience of dealing with death for the first time

I saw my first patient death a few months ago, during my first placement on a medical ward. It was a woman with dementia. I was there when the doctor made the decision to remove her oxygen mask. We drew the curtains and I rubbed her leg, just to let her know that someone was with her. I was glad to be there as she took her final breaths. Continue reading... The Guardian

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