Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Experts investigating alleged breach of IT security at Kettering General Hospital

Experts investigating alleged breach of IT security at Kettering General Hospital An investigation has been launched following reports of an alleged breach of IT security at Kettering General Hospital. Northamptonshire Telegraph

Healthwatch Northamptonshire investigate accident and emergency at county hospitals

Healthwatch Northamptonshire investigate accident and emergency at county hospitals Healthwatch Northamptonshire has been investigating accident and emergcy units at the county's hospital.

The independent consumer champion for people in Northamptonshire using health and social care, spent two weeks in May talking to people waiting in Accident & Emergency (A&E) departments at Northampton General Hospital (NGH), Kettering General Hospital (KGH) and Corby Urgent Care Centre. Northants Herald and Post

A culture of stewardship: The responsibility of NHS leaders to deliver better value healthcare

A culture of stewardship: The responsibility of NHS leaders to deliver better value healthcare Healthcare value expert Prof Sir Muir Gray shares how the NHS can change the way it uses public resources over the next five years. Healthcare value expert Prof Sir Muir Gray shares how the NHS can change the way it uses public resources over the next five years. NHS Confederation

Is the purchaser–provider split dying?

Is the purchaser–provider split dying? Is the ‘purchaser–provider split’ dead? No. Is it dying? Quite possibly.

These questions are prompted by what is going on in the NHS right now and by the second annual lecture for NHS Providers, given by Sir David Nicholson last week.

Having largely kept silent since leaving NHS England Sir David re-appeared to tell the government, point blank, that it simply has to find more money for the NHS. No doubt about that.

He opened by saying that he would not be making any major policy pronouncements: ‘So I won’t be saying that the Department of Health should be abolished or that the purchaser–provider split should be put in the dustbin of history where it belongs.’ In questions, however, he was tempted further. The King's Fund

RCP launches two major reports on payment and structures in the NHS

RCP launches two major reports on payment and structures in the NHS As the NHS faces some of the greatest financial pressures in its history and an ageing patient population with complex care needs, it is vital that policymakers and system leaders dismantle the barriers to a stronger, more sustainable and more patient-centred NHS. Royal College of Physicians

Could an arthritis drug also help treat Alzheimer's disease?

Could an arthritis drug also help treat Alzheimer's disease? "Arthritis drug could soon reverse Alzheimer's symptoms after successful tests on mice," The Independent reports. The drug – salsalate – may help regulate levels of the abnormal tau protein associated with Alzheimer's disease, which could improve memory skills.

Salsalate, which belongs to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs) class of medicines, has been used for many years. And as The Daily Telegraph points out, it was even mentioned by the 5th century BC physician Hippocrates.

This study was conducted in mice with clumps of tau in their brains. Salsalate was given to the mice and was found to block the process that can lead to a further protein build up. Treated mice also performed better in tests designed to assess memory skills.

While these findings show promise, the studies were conducted in mice and were only conducted for a couple of months.

Further human studies will be required to determine how effective the drug is and over what timescale. But because this drug has already been approved for use in humans, these tests may come sooner rather than later. NHS Choices

Drug company to cut 5,000% price rise

Drug company to cut 5,000% price rise A US drug company facing an outcry after raising the price of a drug used by Aids patients by over 5,000% says it will lower the price. BBC News

See also: 

Home care visits 'must last 30 minutes'

What Addenbrooke's tells us about state of NHS

Better data is vital to solve A&E problems

Better data is vital to solve A&E problems A&E attendance has reached record levels – but commissioners and providers don’t know enough about this surge in demand to properly plan and fund services

Digitisation of healthcare is moving apace but when our hospitals capture information about emergency care, they rely on a dataset developed in the early 1980s.

It seems odd in an age which aspires to delivering integrated care and digital interoperability that we’re making do with a functional but pretty basic dataset. Continue reading... The Guardian

See also:

Life-expectancy for British women is the second lowest in western Europe

Life-expectancy for British women is the second lowest in western Europe The UK is ranked 14 out of 15 nations, warns the WHO report. The Daily Telegraph

NHS crisis worsens after new figures show three-quarters of hospitals warned about dangerous staff shortages

NHS crisis worsens after new figures show three-quarters of hospitals warned about dangerous staff shortages The severity of the staffing crisis engulfing the NHS has been revealed by new figures showing that three-quarters of hospitals have been warned about potentially dangerous staff shortages. The Independent

Numbers of NHS doctors registering to work overseas could reach unprecedented record

Numbers of NHS doctors registering to work overseas could reach unprecedented record The Government’s decision to impose a new contract on junior doctors may risk an exodus of young medics, after figures revealed an unprecedented spike in NHS doctors registering to work overseas. The Independent

See also: