Wednesday, 13 June 2018

NHS England announces areas to receive new funding to improve employment support for people with severe mental illness

NHS England announces areas to receive new funding to improve employment support for people with severe mental illness As outlined in the Five Year Forward View for Mental Health and Implementing the Five Year Forward View for Mental Health, NHS England has committed to doubling access to Individual Placement and Support (IPS) services nationally by 2020/21, enabling approximately 20,000 people who experience a severe mental illness (SMI) to find and retain employment.

Rates of employment are lower for people with mental health problems than for any other group of health conditions. IPS is an evidence-based approach to providing employment support for people experiencing severe mental health problems, shown to be twice as effective as vocational rehabilitation and associated with reduced use of other services including inpatient admissions. In 2016/17, IPS services in England achieved approximately 2,300 job outcomes. NHS England
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