Monday 30 April 2018

Lots of talk but little action means we risk losing the arms race against superbugs

Lots of talk but little action means we risk losing the arms race against superbugs Next month will mark the two-year anniversary of the publication of the review into antimicrobial resistance(AMR) that I led for the then Prime Minister, David Cameron.

Leading that review was possibly the most stimulating job I have ever done, not only because of its importance, but also because of the global nature of the antimicrobial resistance threat, and the complexity and diversity of issues the challenge presented.

In our review we outlined a scenario showing that, if we lose the arms race against bacteria, 10 million lives could be lost globally by 2050. Yes, 10 million, on top of the accumulated economic cost of those deaths and lost productivity to the world economy of $100 trillion. The Daily Telegraph

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