Tuesday, 28 March 2017

MPs slam government strategy to cut child obesity

MPs slam government strategy to cut child obesity A new report by the influential House of Commons Health Select Committee says the Government must do more to reduce the number of cut-price and multi-buy offers on unhealthy food to help combat childhood obesity.

It also calls for rules on junk food advertisements to be made tougher and says that government plans to tackle childhood obesity contain "vague statements" that are "inadequate" and that ministers had consistently rejected the committee's advice. The committee also recommends that the levy on sugary drinks should be extended to milk-based drinks that have added sugar.

The report calls for the government to set clear goals. Health Committee chair, Dr Sarah Wollaston, who is also a GP, said: "We are extremely disappointed that the government has rejected a number of our recommendations. These omissions mean that the current plan misses important opportunities to tackle childhood obesity. OnMedica

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