Monday 31 October 2016

Health visitors aren't valued but we do more than just weigh babies

Health visitors aren't valued but we do more than just weigh babies Amid drastic cuts to health visiting services, I’m struggling to help the vulnerable families I see every day

Health visitors don’t always get good press at the school gates or toddler groups. Among my fellow nursing friends, the standing joke is that I spend my day simply weighing babies. I guess as a result it’s not hard to see why in some areas the value placed on health visiting has fallen so far that the service will be cut completely.

At the moment most councils are reviewing the funding for health visiting amid drastic cuts to public health budgets. Cumbria and Staffordshire are planning on cutting health visiting posts and a number of other NHS trusts have job freezes and have discussed redundancies. NHS Digitalreported this year that the number of health visitors dropped in UK by 433 posts.

Within an hour of taking a seat I’m asking personal questions. I won’t pretend that it doesn’t sometimes feel intrusive Continue reading... The Guardian

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