Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Compassionate care means supporting staff as well as patients

Compassionate care means supporting staff as well as patients One thing I was pleased to tick off the ‘to-do’ list last week was completing The King’s Fund staff satisfaction survey. It’s nice to be asked how you feel about your job and encouragingly here at the Fund, staff have reported relatively high levels of engagement over the past three survey rounds.

In contrast, the results from the NHS Staff Survey published earlier this year showed staff engagement, job satisfaction and motivation scores fell slightly (but not significantly) between 2013 and 2014. Willingness to recommend the NHS as a place to work also fell – and this was a significant drop. There was an increase in staff reporting they felt under pressure at work, a rise in unhappiness over pay and a rise in reported bullying and harassment from colleagues. On a more positive note, there was an increase in the number of staff reporting they were able to make suggestions for improvement and staff reporting they were involved in decision-making with senior management. The King's Fund

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