Tuesday 16 June 2015

What will a seven-day NHS mean for healthcare professionals?

What will a seven-day NHS mean for healthcare professionals?

A pilot scheme shows it can be done, but spreading staff more thinly over a longer working week risks breakdown of the service

David Cameron’s promise of a seven-day NHS has been met by scepticism from health professionals. A lack of funding and staff could make the prime minister’s dream difficult to realise, but some GP surgeries and hospital departments are already experimenting with extended opening hours. So what might a seven-day health service mean for an already stretched workforce? And what can others learn from professionals currently trialling the new working week?

In October 2013, the government announced a £50m pilot scheme to help GPs provide a seven-day service, with a further pot of £100m allocated last September for a second wave in 2015/16. Guardian

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