Friday, 24 April 2015

Manifesto pledges: more money for the NHS... problem solved?

Manifesto pledges: more money for the NHS... problem solved? As Ipsos MORI has been reporting for some months now, the NHS is a big issue for the public, and now nearly half of all Britons surveyed (47 per cent) say the NHS and health care is their top concern when deciding how they’ll vote in the general election. The public’s concerns have been reflected in the political parties’ manifesto promises – a combination of more money and a long shopping list for how the extra cash will be spent (more doctors, more nurses…24/7 motherhood, and a free prescription for apple pie). But what do the promises add up to, and is the NHS safe in anyone’s hands? (And why is the politician’s favourite number 8,000,000,000?) The King's Fund

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