Friday 23 January 2015

NHS finances: the challenge all political parties need to face

NHS finances: the challenge all political parties need to face The NHS is one of the key issues of public concern in the run up to the 2015 general election.

After the election, all political parties are committed to reducing the fiscal deficit, which will involve cuts to public spending. Health care now accounts for almost £1 in every £5 of government spending – just sustaining, let alone improving, the quality of care while delivering fiscal balance will be one of the major challenges facing any incoming government.

In this briefing we set out our analysis of the funding issues facing the NHS. The briefing presents the Health Foundation projection that funding pressures on the NHS will increase to £65bn above inflation by 2030/31. If successive governments are to meet these pressures NHS funding needs to grow slightly faster than GDP (2.9% a year compared to 2.3% a year forecast increase in GDP).

The briefing draws on four accompanying Funding overviews that go into more detail about NHS finance in the following four areas:
See also:

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