Friday, 10 October 2014

Cause for concern: QualityWatch annual statement 2014

Cause for concern: QualityWatch annual statement 2014  This is the second annual statement from the QualityWatch programme, analysing over 200 quality indicators and a series of in-depth research reports to provide an overview of how patterns of quality in services are changing across a range of care settings.

In the past year there has been an increasing number of signs that historic improvements in quality are not being sustained in some areas, or have even reversed. Stress signals first identified in 2013 are now becoming even stronger and apparent in a wider range of services. Despite the recent wave of negative headlines and concerns over significant lapses in quality, if we look over a longer timescale, in many ways the NHS has shown signs of continued improvements in areas such as waiting times, safety and staff numbers. The health Foundation and The Nuffield Trust

See also:

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