Monday, 11 August 2014

NHS leaders and politicians have yet to convince patients of need for reforms

NHS leaders and politicians have yet to convince patients of need for reforms A big debate is needed ahead of the 2015 general election about how to fund a health service fit for the future.

I know what I think about the NHS, warts and all, but I find it hard to find what patients in general think. A Guardian/ICM poll asked voters about the funding pressures on the NHS. I know that voters may not necessarily be patients, and patients are not necessarily voters, but I found that the poll answered some of my questions. Along the way, it also gave a few clues to health insiders and politicians on how to devise messages for the general election.

A third of respondants quoted the ageing population as the main financial challenge facing the health service. This is good news for us oldies, as it seems that the general public recognises that more funds should be devoted to looking after us. Continue reading... The Guardian

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